what kind of things are on your BUY LIST

M16 has a 20" barrel
AR15/M4 has a 16" barrel
M4 has full-auto capabilities
AR15 is the civilian version which is only semi-auto

yeah it changes daily. I kinda just wanna keep the Deav V and just save up for a brand new guitar. 3 guitars isnt too many, is it?

fucking Blues are really pissing me off. But this year with the insane amount of injuries I can understand.
Next year they should actually have a damn good team.
oh yeah i really want to buy darkroom equipment to process my own b/w film

i have a bit of a PROJECT in mind here

I've started developing negs in the laundry at home, but it would be seriously good to have a darkroom, I have everything but the enlarger, and room.

As for things I want, going to have to say a Zuiko 50mm or 55mm f1.2. Not that I really need it, but it's beautiful, and rare, and so I crave it.

Also beer.

And a Dopesmoker LP.

And a Pentax 6x7.

Maybe some more hashish.
enlargers are cheap as chips because no one wants them anymore

i have all my darkroom equipment now btw, including a shitload of expired paper, so gg on that. didn't even have to BUY it because i got it as a gift. i just have to clear out one of my closets and set it all up (and buy some fresh developer, i doubt this rodinal from 1993 or whenever is any good still, but maybe?)

also the old zuiko om lenses are fucking sweet. i hope you're going to use it on a proper om body for the true feeling of the most well-designed slr system ever and not via adapter on some plastic canon crap
enlargers are cheap as chips because no one wants them anymore

i have all my darkroom equipment now btw, including a shitload of expired paper, so gg on that. didn't even have to BUY it because i got it as a gift. i just have to clear out one of my closets and set it all up (and buy some fresh developer, i doubt this rodinal from 1993 or whenever is any good still, but maybe?)

also the old zuiko om lenses are fucking sweet. i hope you're going to use it on a proper om body for the true feeling of the most well-designed slr system ever and not via adapter on some plastic canon crap

I just got myself a completely refurbished OM1n, I wouldn't even let it near anything else. Also got 2 OM10's kicking around here somewhere. At the moment I have about 3 50mm 1.8's and a 50mm 1.4, but I keep thinking about that 1.2...
But yeah, OM+Zuiko is an unbeatable combination for me, I seriously have not found another SLR that looks and feels as nice to use, and isn't covered in useless extras that break all the time.

Is the developer still sealed? I have no idea how long it keeps when it's sealed, probably not that long. Once it's open you only have around 6 months I think.
yeah there's one sealed bottle of rodinal so i think i will try that because i will probably fuck up the first few times anyway so it's unnecessary to waste fresh developer

i have a real nice (like new, except it's missing the screw-on hotshoe like every other om camera) om-1 md which was the first slr camera i ever learned to use. i only have the zuiko 50/1.8 and then tokina 28 and 135s. i don't use it so much because pentax is my primary system now, but the om-1 is a fucking miracle of camera engineering. it feels so nice.


these are my olympus friends
The OM10 had a hotshoe built in, but it's a little more plastic in construction that the OM1. You can find the shoes pretty easy online, but they're kind of expensive.
I'd like to try some pentax gear, but at the moment I'm still trying to master the OM and a Yashica TLR medium format that Decadent/Nico gave me.
I'd be keen to see what happens with the Rodinal processing if you get it online.

[/film nerd]
So I almost fulfilled one of mine yesterday by buying a Hughes & Kettner Statesman dual 6L6 combo ... not sure if I should do it, it is used and I don't know if I know enough about these things to ensure it works how it should.

Any tips, you fucks?
Any of you guys got a reco for a good US distro with reasonable postage rates?
I need to raid your stores for vinyl before our dollar goes to shit again. I'm in the market for black metal and stoner...
Whats everyone window shopping over nowadays? Got my sights set on a few items once I have some moolah to burn. Can buy it now, but im extremely fiscally responsible.

Vote for me, dont mind the ovens.

Benelli Nova (wanted a Mossberg590, but fuggs never in stock, and cant be arsed via FFLing one.)

LG 55 inch OLED. Hardly watch TV, but the extra real estate n picture quality should make UFC, Sports, and the occasional movie far more grandiose.

Valve Steam Deck. This is right in my wheel house as an extension to my vidya gaming. Opens up access to all the xbox exclusives, retrocade, and can be used as a fully functional pc if so desired. Maybe I'll use it to post on RC. Who tf knows.

Also want ti buy some a proper bow for some archery, but thats next year most like.
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I’m digging all that shitz ^

For me, my bass finally broke so I need a new one. Looking at a bunch of diff stuff ranging from a SteinBURGER ($) to a John Myung Bongo ($$$$).

That’s pretty much it. I have everything else I guess.
oh jeez, girls!
i finally found a right place to get it off my chest:

- this silky top i've been looking at for the past couple weeks
- a perfume that costs 300 euros for 50ml and it kills me but I'm so in love with it
- couple sets of this brand's lingerie that looks like art and costs like the perfume above
- a cable to connect my camera to a laptop so I see previews while shooting
- a set of studio lights for home and outdoors
- a whitebox for photography
- new camera body
- a good punching bag for home
- some brushes for make up
- some make up
- some books
- Far Cry 6
- grill cooker
- a necklace
- a new camera stabilizer for shooting videos
- a ticket to Kyiv
- a few things for the family
- new sunglasses
- new video card for pc
- a few educational online courses

just bought a steam cooker today, so that's off the list
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LG 55 inch OLED. Hardly watch TV, but the extra real estate n picture quality should make UFC, Sports, and the occasional movie far more grandiose.

Valve Steam Deck. This is right in my wheel house as an extension to my vidya gaming. Opens up access to all the xbox exclusives, retrocade, and can be used as a fully functional pc if so desired. Maybe I'll use it to post on RC. Who tf knows.

Also want ti buy some a proper bow for some archery, but thats next year most like.

Just bought a 65" Sony OLED last month ... jaw dropping picture.
I'm sure you know but the LG does have better connectivity with HDMI 2.1 and VRR if you are gaming. Do it!
All I care about spending $$$$$$ on are cars and basshit.

But have you seen the ridiculous prices for vehicles and music gear over the last year?

So my shopping list is pretty much empty until sanity returns.


Anywho recently I bought some huge tires, a new sensible fridge, and also one expensive ass fuzz pedal (hell yeah).
So I almost fulfilled one of mine yesterday by buying a Hughes & Kettner Statesman dual 6L6 combo ... not sure if I should do it, it is used and I don't know if I know enough about these things to ensure it works how it should.

Any tips, you fucks?
Buying a used tube amp is liking adopting a dog. 90% of the experience is amazing but there is that 10% of the time that they will shit on the rug or eat a pound of butter and you just don't understand why you got into this kind of thing in the first place. Find and get to know a good local tube amp repair person. They will be your friend for as long as you own the amp, which should be forever.

I went through my fair share of tube amps before realizing that they were indeed family, and now I keep them all. I'm up to 5 at this point. They require care and feeding and occasionally you need to put $500 into them at the worst possible time (right after buying it, or 2 days before a very important gig) but that look on their face when you get home from work each day man it's just Pure Love.

plug it in and check it it makes sound, if it does it works i bet
If no sound is made, offer half the asking price.
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