what kind of things are on your BUY LIST


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
i'm going to make a bit more money shortly and there are about a million things i'm planning to buy in an attempt to fill the crippling emotional void of my abysmal life with materia so here's a thread where we get to list what kind of things we're going to spend our hollow gold on next and why. maybe we can share some BUYIN' TIPS AND TRICKS with each other.

* stereo (new amp + speakers + turntable, my cd player and tape deck are still ok)
* peavey generation ex (tele style guitar with a humbucker in the neck position; because lord satanas knows i don't have enough guitars already, no but honestly, i want something with a single coil in it)
* ebow
* pentax da 35/2.8 limited + da 15/4 limited (these are exceptionally nice lenses that i will never be able to afford, oh well)
* pentax fa-j 18-35/4-5.6 (this is a cheap crappy lens that i will be able to afford)
* a half decent amp (not a priority)
* new cymbals (that don't break as easily as my earlier crappy ones)
* bunch of cd's (cause i've been missing out on a lot of new music lately)
* a mini-itx motherboard (cause i'm putting together a real nerdy emulator pc thing to connect to my tv and play a million boring nes games)
* some sort of boring bench thing for my kitchen, furniture is priority -1000 but i still kinda need it because my microwave is still sitting on a cardboard box

all i can think of at the moment. unsurprisingly it's almost all music and photo crap, wow because i mean i'm sure i will become a better musician/photographer just by buying new instruments/lenses right?

anyway when you have money left over do you usually have a mental list like this of things you ReALLy WaNt or do you just waste it on whatever strikes your fancy first?
- Fish Eye lens (birthday gift): haven't started looking

- New Mountain Bike - still gotta make up my mind as to which one specifically: budget is between 2-2500 euros

Not surprisingly its bike crap cause that'll make me a pro freerider overnight.
- #1 priority: residential real estate in the next year or two
- valve-state guitar amp head (some day, if it doesn't interfere too much with the above)
- an education in a field related to cooking/baking

that is all
- tint the car windows (keep the sun out of daughters eyes)
- speakers for pc at work
- $100 worth of cigars
a dulcimer

I forgot to list instruments in my post earlier!

a dulcimer is indeed high on my list, largely because of listening to bands like Dulcimer, COB (the dulcitar that the guy modified himself), Just Others, etc.

i'd really like almost any exotic old folk-y instrument
I've still been meaning to buy this thing. A hefty price for organization.



Black Sabbath the Black Box
Various other cds
Plane Ticket to Portland
Xbox 360 games (NHL 10, Modern Warfare II, Bioshock II, Mass Effect II)
Some El Pollo Loco chicken
I've still been meaning to buy this thing. A hefty price for organization.


how many shitz per drawer does this thing hold? looks v. compact, though i would still prefer my shelving that displays em all in an easily browsable manner

Xbox 360 games (NHL 10, Modern Warfare II, Bioshock II, Mass Effect II)
ever notice how every game nowadays is a sequel of something

man would it kill game developers to come up with something new every once in a while!
how many shitz per drawer does this thing hold? looks v. compact, though i would still prefer my shelving that displays em all in an easily browsable manner!

3 drawer = 810 cds
2 drawer = 540 cds

Stack em = 1,350 cds

My current wooden drawer holds 750-800. But with the shallow height of the drawer I have to stack the cases on their backs as opposed to their sides which causes a pain during re-organizational shifts.
oh yeah i really want to buy darkroom equipment to process my own b/w film

i have a bit of a PROJECT in mind here
Mr friends Space Ork army.

A box of 10th ED Boosters.

A new computer.

Lots of juegos.

A calculus tutor.

Classes at community college around here if my chain of command actually let's that happen, hah.