Things That Are Difficult to Say When You're Drunk


New Metal Member
Nov 3, 2002
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Things That Are Difficult to Say When You're Drunk:


Things That Are Very Difficult to Say When You're Drunk:

"Cogito ergo sum."
British Constitution
Passive-aggressive disorder

Things That Are Downright Impossible to Say When You're Drunk:

Thanks, but I don't want to have sex.
Nope, no more booze for me!
Sorry, but you're not really my type.
Good evening, Officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight.
Oh, I just couldn't - no one wants to hear me sing!
riba ribi grize rep, naš škaf natškafnjak, naš škaf potškafnjak... cro. excercise to speak properly, usually. and slowly....
... "I am drunk" when he/she actually was. LOL
I think they actually want to say that "they are drunk and they wanna stop drinking" but from the whole sentence they keep the "drinking" and they add a "lets keep on" in the begginning of the sentence. LOL
The hardest thing to say when your drunk is......
I Do hahahahaah
marriage is a 3 ring circus

1st - engagement Ring
2nd - wedding RING


Just a joke from a man
Hmmm... Are you married? Maybe you shouldnt let your wife near your Computer. LOL ;)
Hee ledmag, you are married. so? Is troy right? :D
Of couse I am, I would'nt make the stupid jokes if I was't
And My BITCH ,I ment Wife is posting shit on this board (In my name of course) All the time haha. the boys in Nevermore hate here (especially Jim) And Jeff too! She got drunk for a change and came to a show with me(she knows I don't love bands like this accept for UFO!) So she starts causin' shit and it was funny,the guys start saying"can you get your wife away from everybody"
I started laughing and tell everybody she aint my bitch hahahaha
I slowed her down ,witch was not easy ,and said "when I get to hang out with those bands that you dig ...I'm gonna be the biggest bitch ,piss on your shoe ....A point being .I hate the Rolling Stones because they are pricks ,...I hate Lars because he was a prick ,,I hate all fucking musicians (exept for MEEE)

Nevermore are good guys who will respect a fan (I seen them here open for Megadave in '88) And let you buy them a beer or 19

This band is MUSIC
People will realize slowly but ...A we all get it becaouse we KKKnow

Met & Tee
I bid you a good k-night
ah, k-night then.
LOL hey wife of troy, what can you do, Jim is too sensitive and touchy.... :rolleyes: LOOOOL
troy, we talked, was this you or your wife? :lol:
I love my wife to death_________One way or the other

Ha ha.I'm gonna post a picture of her soon,so everybody will fear her hahaha.She love all the really shit New Wave Bands like
Yazz and cocktwins ..Carcass does not go over well in this revotminshit..I ment relationship____
She looks like Debra Harry (not a cool name to read in a phone book..Harry Debra)Has a Black Belt in girl fighting ___But damn ..if she could put up with me for this long ,She's all righttttt
She Is A Catholic
I Beileve in ones self (Look into the glass every day,if your a bad person,a non fair person __if you are a fucking peace off shit ,then put the gun to your head ! Am I right Tee?There is a lot of soul suckers in this world) I Went to her church last XXmass
4 minutes in ,the #%$$ were asking for donations????
The 2 chicks beside me were looking to get layed by dudes in the Lair (church)
The Real Church Is Your Mind ___
I'm not a member of any religious "movement". Catholicism is something that I'm familiar with. Jesus is my fav history character. Christianity is not acceptable for humanity at all, as it's not in human nature to be communistic, :D , nice, sharing and benevolent, but capitalistic, me-myself-and-I loving. :) only human entities who are able to work on their inner selves in the direction of good-willing are the true bringers of Christian spirit. Benevolence without limits is what it should take. But it doesn't go. The old Roman Empire keeps on living. ;)
Catholic church and it's costums are the reverted, embelished, even shinier pic of hell. :) :) :)
So ...your a CHRISTIAN!!! Or Cathaholic !!
Great words .I swear I have read them before???

oh well I have seen the fucking terror that religion has caused
I know my kids have the choice ____they fucking hate it more the Troy does Why???They are smart kids who now ...well I see my dad hmmm but I dont see jesus haha __no fear of god with my babys

Oh yeah happy birthday Tee
No, I'm not catholic, LOL, my dad is, mom is nothing as well, she wasn't baptized just like I wasn't. But now and then I enter churches, every few years, for the wedding ceremonies mostly.
I do believe I have a "christian mind", cuz that idea of benevolence does exist in me, but else... a-a....

what birthday? I had it more than 2 months ago... :guh: LOL (or maybe I'm just to stupid... :err: :D )
No Im stupid for triing to guess hehahahoho
Belevelent (all EEEEs) not beligerant heckup heckuppp

I have some friends here from Crotia ..
Good People .......
But Our hmm my place of home has Polish people who take, have the teachings in Polland how to come to CANADA and steal money of off the (NON) government!!!! I fucking make some $ here & have to fucking pay at the end of last fuckin year $11.000

Here in CANADA we let anyone in ___The fucks who flew into the towers(BOHO) lived around me !!Ask Penguin!!

But Tee ..A lot of wars have been not to far from you and your Man___When there is bloodshed in the fuckin world +__none cares whooooooo but when it happens to the US then there is war _______US Killed our soldiers CANADA ...Fuckin hot shots just wanted to kill everything in site___Cunts are charge with CNKD Sorry all you Americans on this board but ..........If I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Yeah, ........
Check this out, my dad is Polish, how big of a Croatian am I? :err:

Yep, in the war here, that ended in August 1995, I lost the dearest member of my family, my mom's cousin, he was 35, father of 2 boys, non-warrior type at all, a granate blew him to pieces. And maaaaaany "invisible" other dads, bros, sons. I used to go to hang out on the cemetery sometimes. Gunny, nobody cares for the "smaller ones". He was the small one in this family... Nations are families. The biggest take the cream, no matter what it is. I try no to think in bigger categories than "this human is a real human" or "this human is a real stupid fuck". It makes my life go smoothly... ;)