Things That Are Difficult to Say When You're Drunk

My wifes mom and dad were in the Death Camps
Tee, I feel for your country ,In all honesty you now better than anyone. Tee & Met ,you people must hate what whent down ??

I am not making fun of this in anyway
well, metalized just moved from Greece, there was no war there, but here, oh-yeah, there were some pics from the hell. yep, death-camps, "working", my grandpa was in one, Torgau, but heh, he was a master taylor, so he survived, sewing the uniforms for the yellowheads. 4 fuckin' years, I still have his pass.... he survived, but it left some traces on his character....

who would make fun of that? somebody thinks that an old man's and woman's heads cut off and hanging on a wire are funny, but to me, not specially...

however, ces't la vie... a big cake, made of shit, every day you get a small piece. if you're not hungry, you might get lucky. ;)
I used to work with a few Jewish folks
..Who had the Numbers still on their arms.
That was so fucking disturbing.
We all think once in a while My life sucks bla bla
I've never thaught that way ...Reason why ____
There has been MILLIONS of people who have seen hell and died in vain
Tee War has been in your ......
I dont have to state

Tee Have ever heard of a Canadian Band Called Exciter?
They Were The First Thrash Band (they wrote a sond called war is hell)
May happiness fill your lives !!
Tell Nevrlady___???!!!!//??

There is a few people on this baord who Know
Hey Tee you have more gruppiiies than Dave Roth (Read His Book)
Things That Are Downright Impossible to Say When You're Drunk:

Thanks, but I don't want to have sex.
Nope, no more booze for me!
Sorry, but you're not really my type.
Good evening, Officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight.
Oh, I just couldn't - no one wants to hear me sing!

It's hard enough to say those things when i'm sober :err: