Things to come....


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Well, it seems to have somewhat died around these here parts of the forum... and the fact that nothing new with Katagory V has been reported on the website probably doesn't help.... :cry:

There will be some good things to report soon! Me and Curtis (along with me better half Sheri and good friend Dan from the band Davidian) will be boarding a plane this Wednsday, and heading out to Atlanta for the ProgPower festival!!!

I'm sure most who read this forum are going to the festival as well, and those who are going already know that the demo version of "Dark Night" will be featured on the ProgPower festival compilation!

For all of us in the band, We are really happy to be apart of this festival in even the smallest way! A big thanks goes out to Mr. Glenn Harveston and Darin (the man, the myth, the legend!) for allowing us to participate and for putting together an absolutely amazing compilation CD with some of the genres hottest upcoming bands! Personaly, I can't wait to get my copy! :hotjump:

So... never fear, shortly after we return from our trip, we will be updating the website with more news and information on the progress of "A New Breed Of Rebellion"!

And for those of you going to Atlanta for the festival... we'll see you there!!!
