Things you hate about your neighborhood

Why would you get involved in that shit without calling the cops? That's a good way to end up wasting time in court over something that has nothing to do with you.

You'd think the Armenians of all people would learn a lesson about getting into dangerous situations without backup.
Not to mention it was in the next building, another apartment complex which is a secure building that cannot be entered without a key. Oh yeah, lets try to break into a secure building, and commit a crime! Great plan! There's no way it could possibly fail.

Another reason why TB should shut the fuck up about issues he clearly knows nothing about.
LOL! butt and mathias are on the same page here, not surprised at all considering the bitch made pansies it's coming from. "GO NEXT DOOR AND TELL THEM TO KEEP IT DOWN? NO FUCKING WAY! I CAN GET KILLED! MY TAMPON MIGHT FALL OUT ON MY WAY THERE" Wow, people like you are what's fucking wrong with this world today. How the fuck do you "guys" look at yourselves in the mirror?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with going over to a neighbors house to tell them to keep it down a bit at nights. You don't have to immediately pop up over there, just wait until the next day. If they still continue, than yea, do what you want. You're actually doing him a favor with that visit, but then again i'm pretty sure you twatface faggots would know nothing about that, and would rather just call the cops and get someone arrested. Who cares, right? Fucking scumbags.

Also, you're already involved when you're trying to get one of your neighbors arrested you fucking nitwits. And if shit hits the fan, and something really did happen(and just because the broad is wailing doesn't mean shit, she can even be the one attacking the guy), you dont think your going to get a subpoena? :lol:

"the girl was screaming so it must mean she was getting assaulted" Lololollllll, fucking wow ... once again, not surprised.

Buttface is just mad that they're keeping his flock of 13 year old girlfriends up past their bedtime.
I repeat: you are inbred trash, and quite possibly suffer a mental deficiency.

Can you even read?

A - It is not a house; it is a secure apartment complex next door, which cannot be entered without a key. To "go to their house" would involve breaking into their complex. Great plan!

B - I'm pretty sure she was being assaulted. She wasn't making normal screams. She sounded like she was being caused physical pain. I could hear her from my own building. So again, shut the fuck up you fucking subhuman, you know nothing.

Get iced.