Fucking muslems

humungo said:
I pretty much hate all religions but islam pisses me off the most.

I may sound paranoid, but if islamic fundamentalism isn't cracked down on, then these bastards are gonna try and force thier shit on us. When these cunts try to preach, their extremism, they should get arrested and be punished severley. In some islamic countries they chuck acid over women who don't cover themseleves up completely and mutilate women's genitals. What a fucked up belief system that is stuck well behind the times.


Hawng said:
i dont know who he was , but some dude on fox news said that the reason that so many people are against the war on terror is the lack of religion here in america, what a load of shit................

TOO much!! My girlfriend is a perfect example haha. She doesnt like my Christ Agony CD's!

nik said:
I fucked a muslem once....she was quite good.
just thought I'd share that with you all!!.......never fucked a jew or a french bird though.......come to think of it i've never shagged a bulgarian pagan either......
NIK u/k/h/c

There I was, balls deep in a Hungarian hermaphrodite when all of a sudden..

bobo'c said:
You fucking mongoloids. I'm an American who loves his country and will do anything to keep freedom alive. Fuck you if your not American. Thats your fucking problems. I'm chillin here on Long Island. Loving every second of freedom. Die you jealous fucking haters.The thought of going to live in any country you douschbags live in has never once crossed my mind. So talk all the shit you like. I live in the best place in the world. Eat a bowl of dick.I can't wait until a plane crashes and kills 2500 of your brothers and sisters in one of your bullshit countries. Than we'll see your world view.If your anti-American than I hate you. End of story. R.I.P-Johnny and Joey

My rule of thumb is if they can speak English, its a decent place to live. And by that I mean Germany and above in Europe, and Australia..but not Canada. My travels across the World since Ive been in the Air Force have made me love America even more. ESPECIALLY living in the middle east/central asia for a while. Props to Germany though, I thought I landed back in Tennessee..but with big fuckin castles, and lots of beer, and Germans, and concentration camps...

Szandor said:
you must be the dumbest kid in class,boy!quality of life's what counts ey? what did you think i was talking about?

you obviously know jack shit about anything boy, so i'm going to stop wasting my valuable time on you.
maybe it's not too late for your mama to arrange abortion on your brain. it's only six weeks old so that shouldn't be a problem!

i don't want to move to america . you live there,spoiling the fun for everyone...

ok,ignoramus, this probably was my last post on you, unless you have something immensely intelligent to say.

my hopes are high

I like Belgium!! Good Beer!! Little to close to France, but what can ya do? Take France over probably actually..I have cousins from there, good guys, good at soccer!

Arg_Hamster said:
Hehe, I´m 12,5% vallon... when will I go berserk in a kindergarten?

Thats fuckin funny!! damn swedes and their humor!

I dont like Muslims, plain and simple. I NEVER had any resentment to any race/religion/creed before I went over to the middle east..but for a religion to preach pure hate, fuck em!