Fucking muslems

Shut up Jean Claude Van Damme motherfucker. Nice avatar Szander you jerkoff.You Probably like liitle boys like Michael Jackson you cunt.Sorry I forgot the rulez of engagement. Waffle eatin,Brussel Sprout smellin. Don't fuck with T-man.Thats my nigga.
bobo'c said:
Shut up Jean Claude Van Damme motherfucker. Nice avatar Szander you jerkoff.You Probably like liitle boys like Michael Jackson you cunt.Sorry I forgot the rulez of engagement. Waffle eatin,Brussel Sprout smellin. Don't fuck with T-man.Thats my nigga.

Thanks for getting my back.
You know I got yours, that's if any pussy dare fuck with you.

Angry 4 life!!
Walter_Langkowski Message to Al-Quaida: Go have a burger said:
fuck[/B] a broad. Your day will be brighter!

Actually I think we want the cunts to do less of that, the bastards have enough children as it is. I think that raghead bin laden was one of 22 children. That is why islam is the fastest growing religion, because the wankers breed like rats.
humungo said:
Actually I think we want the cunts to do less of that, the bastards have enough children as it is. I think that raghead bin laden was one of 22 children. That is why islam is the fastest growing religion, because the wankers breed like rats.
That's a good call humungo, I couldn't think of a worse animal to explain
how those bags of shit breed.

Let them have the burger & the beer let them all go hide in their
caves and drink a poison beer, send em' out jim jones style!!
that's about all they deserve.....Lets see if we can get john kerry one of those
poison beers as well!!
well if it isn't bobo the clown come crawling out of the t-man's asshole! why don't you get back where you came from? the brownest of all places! people like you and that texan piece of nepotist marionette make me wanne puke...
maybe i'll become moslem too, so one day we can rumble !
i guess you think belgium's the capital of sweden too?!
come and eat some knackebrot!
you might wonder:why are we so hated?
well;you just gave the answer!
and about van damme: we are deeply sorry about that, but then again; good riddance! he is where he belongs now! with you guys...

enjoy the goatf.cking, goatf.cker :waah:
I tend not to believe anything on those e-mail forwardings.
szandor, you little michael jackson loving, child molesting,van damme fucking
butt pirate!! Before I let you know how I really feel you need to know this....
you don't have to be muslim to rumble with me....all you need to be is available for a beating and I'll supply that.

Don't be fucking with bob o...I don't think you can handle a beef with him
he is without a doubt the most evil nut to be posting here and all you're going to do is hurt yourself trying to keep up with him.

In closing let me say fuck you!! Release the children you have chained in your basement, throw out your collection of van damme & gay porn videos
burn your michael jackson naked pictures and take off that fucking dress and at least try to be a man (I know living in belgium that's hard but give it a try)
And remember this.....You're a fag!!:heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh:
well well well!
looks like bubba didn't die anyway!
now you and forrest can finally start your shrimp business after all! you should start by cutting of the ones in your pants(since it is of no use anyway,wankers) and make some shrimp-pie...

i remember from psychology-class (yes i DID attend school on a regular basis) that people who call other people gay, are most often anal intruders themselves....
so who's the cocksucker now, panzyboy?

seems belgium is the fifth most developed region in the world,and the states aren't even in the top ten. does that mean anything redneck?
maybe the land of the free isn't that great after all...
it's a cancer in pamela anderson's left fake boob, if you can dig it?!

remember, without europe , you guys wouldn't even exist!
ok, you came to rescue us from the nazi's, but why did you wait 4 years? only when hitler took some economical measures towards the us, did you good samaritans get out of your lazy chairs... it was a simple act of colonisation,imo.
a lot of american companies got handed out major contracts for the reconstruction of a devastated europe, the same as is happening in irag and afghanistan now, serbia ten years ago and so on....

so why should WE be grateful to YOU? we made you the rich continent you are now!

i guess they don't teach you this kind of history,cause if they did,you wouldn't feel as good about your country as you do today...

and oh yes, belgium is known for it's child molestors,haha
but we don't need a lecture from a nation that counts more serial killers per square inch than all 'civilised' countries combined.

maybe it takes a war on your own soil to pound some modesty into those monkeyskulls of yours...

p.s. bobo couldn't beat a poodle!
You fucking mongoloids. I'm an American who loves his country and will do anything to keep freedom alive. Fuck you if your not American. Thats your fucking problems. I'm chillin here on Long Island. Loving every second of freedom. Die you jealous fucking haters.The thought of going to live in any country you douschbags live in has never once crossed my mind. So talk all the shit you like. I live in the best place in the world. Eat a bowl of dick.I can't wait until a plane crashes and kills 2500 of your brothers and sisters in one of your bullshit countries. Than we'll see your world view.If your anti-American than I hate you. End of story. R.I.P-Johnny and Joey
Also, like I give a flying fuck where Belguim is. It could be in Africa for all I care. It could be the capital of Mars. I don't care because it is not in the U.S. so fuck off and die kid toucher.Fucking pederass.
A forest gump analogy?? That's your comeback?? a fucking gump comeback.
Oh but wait, that movie was probably just released in belgium right after the
van damme fag festival right?? In fact he's probably your hero.
life is like a.....shut the fuck up!! you wanna be living in the U.S.
belgian waffle pussy!! It's really kind of sad that simple fuckers like you are
actually allowed to reproduce. 5th developed region in the world??
Good for you!! Hey if it's all that over there why don't you keep your
retarded ass there for good!! While you're at it take some of these immigrants
who keep flocking to the U.S. They don't want to live in belgium!! you want to
know why.....Because 5th developed region in the world doesn't mean shit!!!
quality of life means everything and that's why we get stuck with everyone.
But I would'nt expect you to understand that....So go fuck your boyfriend
and be thankfull you haven't received a good old fashion all American
gay bashing!!
T_man357 said:
A forest gump analogy?? That's your comeback?? a fucking gump comeback.
Oh but wait, that movie was probably just released in belgium right after the
van damme fag festival right?? In fact he's probably your hero.
life is like a.....shut the fuck up!! you wanna be living in the U.S.
belgian waffle pussy!! It's really kind of sad that simple fuckers like you are
actually allowed to reproduce. 5th developed region in the world??
Good for you!! Hey if it's all that over there why don't you keep your
retarded ass there for good!! While you're at it take some of these immigrants
who keep flocking to the U.S. They don't want to live in belgium!! you want to
know why.....Because 5th developed region in the world doesn't mean shit!!!
quality of life means everything and that's why we get stuck with everyone.
But I would'nt expect you to understand that....So go fuck your boyfriend
and be thankfull you haven't received a good old fashion all American
gay bashing!!


I'm so proud to be an American right now.
you must be the dumbest kid in class,boy!quality of life's what counts ey? what did you think i was talking about?

you obviously know jack shit about anything boy, so i'm going to stop wasting my valuable time on you.
maybe it's not too late for your mama to arrange abortion on your brain. it's only six weeks old so that shouldn't be a problem!

i don't want to move to america . you live there,spoiling the fun for everyone...

ok,ignoramus, this probably was my last post on you, unless you have something immensely intelligent to say.

my hopes are high :p
jesus christ................. i go away for the weekend and every bodys back at each others throats.........................I cant belive i missed it!!

T Mann: dont even waste your time with that troll...........he just looking to get a reaction out of you......... we all know belgium is a 3rd world country that is full of child molesters. shit the whole world know that shit. fuck belgium, and fuck them child molesting fucks.
T Mann: dont even waste your time with that troll...........he just looking to get a reaction out of you......... we all know belgium is a 3rd world country that is full of child molesters. shit the whole world know that shit. fuck belgium, and fuck them child molesting fucks.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, You're right Old School, Fuck him!!
Anti American, child molesting, michael jackson loving, wanna be intellectual genius fag!! Have fun in belgium with the rest of the homos!!
You're all done!!
Fuck this jerk-off. We're done with this piece of shit. He doesn't know how to hang. He's not worth our creative hatemonging. Next douschbag please.Later my American brothers.