Thinking about writing MIDI drum editing software


New Metal Member
May 16, 2010

first time poster.. mainly because I'm still learning a lot about audio production.

The other day I was working on my first song that I recorded and noted that the drums were too accurate timing wise.

I use EZdrummer and import my drum MIDI file into my DAW and go from there. So, first of all my DAW sucks for editing MIDI files; there's no easy or quick way to get a (more) realistic looking and consequently sounding drum track.

For the record I'm using Music Creator 6 (which I would not recommend). I bought simply it because it's cheap and it's _sort of_ like a light version of SONAR.

I hear some DAW's have extremely powerful MIDI editing tools and I know that you can get some amazingly powerful MIDI editors but I'm not so sure if there is anything that caters to drum editing in particular in order to make it sound more realistic.

It's probably easier to just get a drummer :P I know that nothing beats the real thing but in a not so ideal reality not all of us have a drummer or the means to record a drummer... well maybe that's just me stuck in this dilemma :P

So I had an idea.

I'm a software developer but I'm finishing up at my company in a few weeks and I'm struggling to find another career orientated role. I might just have to grab any old job so that I can pay rent and this might mean a fair bit of spare time.

Would there be anybody interested in an application that focuses on MIDI drum editing? If I'm wasting my time please feel free to tell me :) I have a number of projects on my mind at the moment.

great idea there, but don't you think everyone will sound the same? I mean, their won't be a lot of preset or somethings like that. Or maybe I could be wrong, but I can't see the point of how it could work.
Thanks for the response. I do appreciate the criticism and concerns while I flesh out this idea of mine.

Whether everyone sounds the same or not will not be the purpose of this application. Talking hypothetically here... there may some automated processes that are like a "quick fix" but I would imagine that some work would still be needed.

I think you bring up a good point about the whole digital age issue.. there's less flavor coming through in a general sense. I know an application like this could potentially encourage such criticism but unfortunately the reality is that people do want tools that help them get out of their predicaments. I would be heart broken if I couldn't continue my personal music project because I simply could not find a drummer. That's not exactly entirely in my control.
I don't feel like MIDI humanizing software would make everyone sound the same, why would it?
I feel like this is a goid idea, but how to implement it to fast workflow?
Reaper is much better than Music Creator and is probably cheaper.

The midi editing in it is pretty smooth and has a great humanizing feature, as does cubase iirc.
I'd say give reaper a shot. It might have what youre looking for.