Third Album Debate


Mar 17, 2008
Sheffield, United Kingdom.
It's REALLY fucking early to start saying stuff like this, but as I say about most things - fuck it.

In all seriousness though, what do you lot want to hear from the third Evile album in 2012/2013/2076? If I'm honest, I have to say that I can't really see as dramatic a leap from Infected Nations as there was last time because hell, where the fuck is there to go? I think I'd be content with a record similar to Infected Nations for the most part, maybe longer and/or with more songs though. Alternatively, freeform jazz.

I'm eager to see what Joel has to bring to the table during the writing process as well, since his work with Rise to Addiction is certainly different from what he does with Evile... we'll see in due time I guess.

What I'd like to see (hear): A perfect balance between Enter The Grave's thrashing and Infected Nations' more sophisticated style.
What I think I'll see (hear): A natural progression from Infected Nations, whatever the guys feel like doing. Which may well be what I'd like to see (hear).

Who knooowwwwsssss!? We shall have to wait, and wait and see.
I'd want to see them completely abandon the genericism of Enter the Grave - there were still slight elements of it on Infected Nations (Now Demlition in particular) but not to the point of retreading. I think it'd be interesting to hear some slightly more death metal inspired instrumental work - imagine something like Carcass' 'Carnal Forge', but with Matt's vocals and Ol's guitar style and that's kind of what I mean. There were plenty of classical, progressive and doom influences on Infected Nations but I'd like to see more dabbling in other genres whilst retaining te thrash metal label.

Maybe I'm asking too much, but hell, they managed it with the new record so....
I think at the end of the day the next record has to be a progression from the last, it has to be better and bring something new to the table (at least to the Evile table, anyway), whether that be more death metal inspired instrumental work, more progressive instrumental work or Matt experimenting with different vocal styles - I think the band will want to keep things interesting for themselves, as well as the fans.
Matt said it himself, hes going to better his vocals as much as he can and always will be. But there was more death metal influence on IN. Id love to see more of that. Matt knows he can sing now aswell, so i wanna hear that stuff!
I'd like to hear Matt mix it up some more as opposed to just sticking to one style throughout the entire record actually - his voice is fucking phenominal, there's no denying that, but he does the same stuff all the way through Ente the Grave, and then again on Infected Nations (though he he changed his technique dramatically on the latter). Maybe get Ol to so some death growls or something? I don't know, but when it comesdown to it, mixing stuff up greatly lowers the risk of repetition. Though having said that, if you mix it up too much then sometimes the songs won't flow into each properly so it's almost like science I suppose - you have to get the right measure of everything otherwise that shit will blow right the uck up in your face.

Also, more ridiculously fast footwork from Ben would be perfect!
Matt & Ol will no doubt surprise us all with the 3rd album, the great thing is, there is a natural progression from Infected Nation, as I have said before, it was a brave decision to take that step forward with their 2nd album and it has reaped rewards, they have gained themselves alot of maneuverability for the 3rd album and that is a sign of a great band, if I am being honest, I wouldn't mind hearing something along the lines of SLAYER's "Seasons in the Abyss or Devine Intervention", I used those 2 albums as an example of the difference in speed but it retains the heaviness of what the band are all about, Genocide is a case example of a track being slowed down whilst retaining the heaviness & power

Metamorphosis is simply an epic score, the drama and tension of the song is unboubtedly Matt's finest moment, if he can better that then there is simply no stopping Evile, Matts vocals in the last section of the song was his best ever, it conveyed the emotions of the song perfectly

What I will say, is probably have less of the long slow guitar intro's, there is nothing wrong with them as such but a wee surprise every now again would be nice, maybe a "Raining Blood", "Killing Fields"or even a "Lay your hands on me" drum intro would be nice, as instead of Ben being, just the guy that keeps the songs in shape, the intro can showcase his drumming ability

Just a thought
How about we re-release all of the early demo material and call that the third album!



Yeah just take Infected Nations and speed it up a bit! Hahaha!
it's really early to talk a 3rd album, people have to buy the 2nd one first to make a 3rd one. Things will cook up on the upcoming tour, I guarantee it.

about the 3rdalbum: more threatening musically, fast, more angry& vicious, more classical style more details overall and in the riffs. more harmonized triads and diads. keep the long epic arrangements.
An 8 minute 34 second progressive thrash masterpiece with sludge, groove and doom moments mixed in with an acoustic mid-section thrown in out of nowhere then the most heavy, crushing mid-paced riff ever known to man following that, spiralling out of control into the most godly thrash riff there ever was!! That's my expectations of the first song on the third album. :lol:

But really... I'd like to hear the guys change it up and progress even further in whatever way they decide to. Maybe some more melodic vocals by Matt and death growls by Ol if there's room for them. But I'm sure they'll do whatever they think is best and you can't ask for more than that. The best part of hearing an album for the first time is not knowing what to expect, and I'm sure the guys will deliver. :D
An 8 minute 34 second progressive thrash masterpiece with sludge, groove and doom moments mixed in with an acoustic mid-section thrown in out of nowhere then the most heavy, crushing mid-paced riff ever known to man following that, spiralling out of control into the most godly thrash riff there ever was!! That's my expectations of the first song on the third album. :lol:

But really... I'd like to hear the guys change it up and progress even further in whatever way they decide to. Maybe some more melodic vocals by Matt and death growls by Ol if there's room for them. But I'm sure they'll do whatever they think is best and you can't ask for more than that. The best part of hearing an album for the first time is not knowing what to expect, and I'm sure the guys will deliver. :D

I wouldn't want melodic vocals by Matt, it would most likely make them sound a bit metalcore
I wouldn't want melodic vocals by Matt, it would most likely make them sound a bit metalcore

I was meaning more in the way of Cemetery Gates, not in metalcore fashion, which would be increbily... well... gay. It would have to work with the song and not sound shit, otherwise forget about it. Perhaps melodic is the wrong word. :lol: