This Album is BAD

Without a doubt, it's a different album.

But why not, why not hire a different producer? Why shouldn't Evergrey try something new?

When I listened to the album the first time, I was a bit sceptical, I have to admit.
At first I had to accept the more modern sound, but after the third time I've listened to the whole album I was confident that MMA is one of the best Evergrey recordings so far!

You don't have to forget the lyrics, they are more than important when you want to understand an Evergrey album in it's entirety. ;-)
Unfortunately I have to agree with a lot of people that this is least memorable Evergrey album. I found it very disappointing to say the least...

Though initially there were maybe two songs that appealed to me, I've quickly grown bored with the album's general lack of depth and don't listen to it anymore - and THAT is extremely alarming considering it's from the same band that created the masterpiece that is RECREATION DAY...
RandyEllefson I didn't like it at first either and thought it weak, but it has grown on me. There's an interview with the bassist in BW&BK this month where he talks about people's reactions to it.

Did anybody read this interview???
I think MMA is better than Inner Circle without a doubt. The only songs off MMA I can't stand are Curtain Falls and I Should. Everything else is great.
don't you think we should end talking about this ?
there are people who like this album and there are people who doesn't
so that's it end of this
if you are one of those who don't like this new album do as me DON'T LISTEN
I think if you listen to album and don't think about woh is playing this music, you enjoy this album...
But when you realize this is Evergrey you are dissapointed, because of this change from complex, emotional, diversified songs (which I prefer) to simple songs...
When I listen to the former albums they are touching my heart and my soul...But when I listen to MMA I only listen to good music...and this is what I am missing...
Virtus said:
I think if you listen to album and don't think about woh is playing this music, you enjoy this album...
But when you realize this is Evergrey you are dissapointed, because of this change from complex, emotional, diversified songs (which I prefer) to simple songs...
When I listen to the former albums they are touching my heart and my soul...But when I listen to MMA I only listen to good music...and this is what I am missing...

yeah thats the exact same as me, like i cant really fault the new album but it just doesnt make me feel anything like the old albums did.....
Virtus said:
I think if you listen to album and don't think about woh is playing this music, you enjoy this album...
But when you realize this is Evergrey you are dissapointed, because of this change from complex, emotional, diversified songs (which I prefer) to simple songs...
When I listen to the former albums they are touching my heart and my soul...But when I listen to MMA I only listen to good music...and this is what I am missing...

Bingo! To me the older albums, especially TDD, SDT, and ISOT are the best albums. They have a feeling of mystique, sinisterness, a whole gammette of emotion. They're epic stories. It's what I always imagined Scandanavian metal to sound like. More recently though, they've strayed from the formula that has worked so well for them, and in a lot of people's opinions, have sold out to their fans, by producing an album where the majority of the songs are within the 3-5 minute range, and any could get played on your mainstream rock/metal radio/tv show.

The fact that they were an "unknown" band back in the day is possibly what attracted alot of the die-hard fans to them in the first place. After Recreation Day was released and got the public talking about EG, it is possible that they wanted to broaden their horizons and go in a more mainstream style to try and appeal to a larger audiance (which is what I believe happened).

Look at Metallica for example. Kill 'Em All, Ride the Lightning, and Master of Puppets were their best albums by far, they were also the bands first albums to be released, when they were still relatively unknown. Once the Black album came out and they got as much approval from the mainstream metal & rock community as they did, they changed their style to attract more fans from different genres of the industry and to increase their album sales, therefore making the band more $$. However, this backfired on the band, and look where they are now. Sitting at home with all $40.00 they made off St Anger. I fear that my beloved Evergrey are going to make the same mistakes, and that by doing so, alienate themselves from the fans who helped make the band.

These are only my opinions, if you agree with them, Great! If you don't, well thats your opinion too.

Keep it Heavy

NP: Pyramaze - The Legend of the Bone Carver
I just recieved my copy of MMA yesterday and to say the least, i was very nervous about if I would like it or not due to the opinions on this forum. After one listen I loved it and now that I have listened to it dozens of times I like it even more. I've been a fan since the first album and I still dig this even though it's a little different. Still sounds like the same band to me. To be honest with you, out of all Evergrey albums I like INNER CIRCLE the least. I guess I really don't fear change but then again I truelly don't hear much change here and what change there is sounds good to me..
Alright. So first of all, this album kicks ass.

If I like a band, I like all their stuff as a whole. It's not the music they make, it's their sound in my opinion. If I like the guitars, or the vocals, or whatever, most of their stuff is good to me. The only track I didn't really care for was Lost, it was a bit repetative and sounded stupid.

Otherwise, this is just another great Evergrey album. Not as proggy as usual, but it's good for a change. I mean if we just listened to the same stuff all the time, would it not get boring? And I'm sure they'd get bored playing it...

-- Jason Clement
I didn't like it at first because it pales in comparison to their old work, and I keep thinking "Where'd the keyboard player go?"

The album has grown on me but it's quite different and I don't think nearly as cool as previous albums. I hope the experiment ends because I don't like it enough to buy another album like this.

I'm all for a band evolving, but not when it's for the worse if they keep going that route. Look at Metallica. I hated the Black Album at first because it wasn't what I wanted from them, but I got over it, but they kept evolving straight into the toilet :Puke: . A bunch of Balck Albums from them would have been cool though. Not so with this MMA album. It's not that cool. I don't want another.
Metal_Machientje said:
Change is indeed very good, but like someone said here before; people fear change
Fear of change has nothing to do with the fact that many people think this is at the bottom if they would list the EG cd`s.Change is good but the changes went the wrong way. But the album doesnt change my feelings for evergrey anyways! If you look at all of their previous cds they are all hihglights and kick ass albums. I think the album is weaker as a whole but i still find good songs here, like the curtain fall and lost is my personal sing along favourite. Some beatiful keyboard tones from Rikard on til Dagmar as well. Cant wait to see them live again!:kickass:
Tom and the others cannot go knocking on the doors of their fans and ask whats better for a new album. if they want to change they will do it. i don't see "change" as a problem, actually is good. :lol:
after all, what has changed ? it's still heavy, but less dark.
ypu need insot and rd. When the drummer Pat left it spelled the end of that era. He was a special drummer who brings a great deal of creativity to the music. He was like Danny carey is to tool. SO peopel allways think hes just a drummer not true. John Bohnam just a drummer. You will see that Jonas was made a part of the band beacuse he was the drum tech and friends of the band and has skills. I just wish they would have pondereda the decison a little longer. I do not like the new ablum very much. I liked t.i.c but less than the previous three. ou will se that Recreation Day is the peak and then the exodus began. First pat and now mike. Good luck evergrey I will not leave you as a fan because you hit me so hard With ISOT and RD and the power and drumming of pat changed my opinion of new metal.