Scythewind Sempiternus
New Metal Member
- Dec 20, 2004
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I've been listening to Evergrey and Metal in general for a long time, since I was 10 years old ( I'm 22 now), listened to many different bands, and sometimes its very easy to tell when their sound has taken a huge change, for good or for worse.
In my OPINION MMA is probably their worst album, HOWEVER!....
Evergreys worst is better than alot of other bands best, and MMA is a good album, it doesn't suck at all, it just isn't as good as their other stuff.
As far as EG selling out..........I get sick of seeing that crap, this band sold out, that band sold out, etc etc, shut the hell up already. Wanna know who sold out? Metallica, thats the only band I can think of that REALLY did sell out. Look at Opeth, they are on fucking ROADRUNNER now, and people shat themselves over it "zomg opeth is gunna b teh sux now!1" give me a goddamn break, Ghost reveries is probably their second best album, second only to Still life and tied with if not a bit better than Blackwater park.
Wanna know how a band sold out? Their music changes a fair bit, and their image changes, and they are suddenly getting more and more popular, this is about the time I'll start thinking, "fuck they sold out...". But most extreme metal bands and such will never sell out, because of various reasons. There is a difference between selling out and changing style a bit, I mean, even if Mr. Englund cut his hair, I wouldn't say " ohhhhh shiiiittt......", so what, he cut his fucking hair, maybe HE DIDN'T WANT LONG HAIR? I mean seriously.
About the whole "elitist" thing, anytime someone has morals or beliefs or standards that they take very seriously, and they express their dismay at other peoples lack of understanding of their feelings, it doesn't make them elitist. Calling others elitist is just a childish cop out most of the time, someone has a higher standard for reasons of their own, and bam they are an "elitist asshole", the people who fire off the word elitist are just as bad, if not worse than the people who fire off "sell out", get the hell over yourselves.
I understand the whole debate about bands becoming popular and being on the radio, and frankly I agree with In a state of paralysis, Kenneth just doesn't seem to understand what he means. Anyone who understands pop culture, herd mentality, the concept of memes, etc etc, will be able to understand and accept In a states viewpoint, but instand Kenneth just calls his ideas absurd and calls him an elitist.
Wanna know what an elitist comment is, and I've seen it a hundred times.
Emperorfan235: Hey guys whats going on.
Darkthronefan765: Get the fuck out pussy, Emperor haven't been tr00 blackmetal since In the nightside eclipse!1
Yes I've had that said to me. I wish Evergrey could make good money off of their music, and It would be cool if they were on the radio instead of the crap they play now, but you see the thing is, inorder for them to be on the radio, either they will have to adapt to the general standard of the culture in regards to music (in otherwords sell out or suck ass), or the general standard and taste of the public will have to change (not gonna happen realisticly, but who knows!).
Anyone who cannot see what is wrong with the general populace in regards to how they think/act, and why it would be a bad thing for Evergrey to be on the radio...well, I wish that rose coloured, fair world could exist like that but it doesn't and probably won't. And if you don't understand why, then I'm sorry I can't help you.
Anyhow MMA is a good album, EG hasn't fricken sold out, jesus, people need to chill out. The bands music, and the message they put out through their lyrics and image are whats important ( I don't mean image as in, u r only black metal if u wear corpse paint!11 tr00 evil!1).
Since I've been over this 1000000 times and I'm not ready to type a bible and watch as people debate me with logical fallacies and immaurity, I'll stop here.
In my OPINION MMA is probably their worst album, HOWEVER!....
Evergreys worst is better than alot of other bands best, and MMA is a good album, it doesn't suck at all, it just isn't as good as their other stuff.
As far as EG selling out..........I get sick of seeing that crap, this band sold out, that band sold out, etc etc, shut the hell up already. Wanna know who sold out? Metallica, thats the only band I can think of that REALLY did sell out. Look at Opeth, they are on fucking ROADRUNNER now, and people shat themselves over it "zomg opeth is gunna b teh sux now!1" give me a goddamn break, Ghost reveries is probably their second best album, second only to Still life and tied with if not a bit better than Blackwater park.
Wanna know how a band sold out? Their music changes a fair bit, and their image changes, and they are suddenly getting more and more popular, this is about the time I'll start thinking, "fuck they sold out...". But most extreme metal bands and such will never sell out, because of various reasons. There is a difference between selling out and changing style a bit, I mean, even if Mr. Englund cut his hair, I wouldn't say " ohhhhh shiiiittt......", so what, he cut his fucking hair, maybe HE DIDN'T WANT LONG HAIR? I mean seriously.
About the whole "elitist" thing, anytime someone has morals or beliefs or standards that they take very seriously, and they express their dismay at other peoples lack of understanding of their feelings, it doesn't make them elitist. Calling others elitist is just a childish cop out most of the time, someone has a higher standard for reasons of their own, and bam they are an "elitist asshole", the people who fire off the word elitist are just as bad, if not worse than the people who fire off "sell out", get the hell over yourselves.
I understand the whole debate about bands becoming popular and being on the radio, and frankly I agree with In a state of paralysis, Kenneth just doesn't seem to understand what he means. Anyone who understands pop culture, herd mentality, the concept of memes, etc etc, will be able to understand and accept In a states viewpoint, but instand Kenneth just calls his ideas absurd and calls him an elitist.
Wanna know what an elitist comment is, and I've seen it a hundred times.
Emperorfan235: Hey guys whats going on.
Darkthronefan765: Get the fuck out pussy, Emperor haven't been tr00 blackmetal since In the nightside eclipse!1
Yes I've had that said to me. I wish Evergrey could make good money off of their music, and It would be cool if they were on the radio instead of the crap they play now, but you see the thing is, inorder for them to be on the radio, either they will have to adapt to the general standard of the culture in regards to music (in otherwords sell out or suck ass), or the general standard and taste of the public will have to change (not gonna happen realisticly, but who knows!).
Anyone who cannot see what is wrong with the general populace in regards to how they think/act, and why it would be a bad thing for Evergrey to be on the radio...well, I wish that rose coloured, fair world could exist like that but it doesn't and probably won't. And if you don't understand why, then I'm sorry I can't help you.
Anyhow MMA is a good album, EG hasn't fricken sold out, jesus, people need to chill out. The bands music, and the message they put out through their lyrics and image are whats important ( I don't mean image as in, u r only black metal if u wear corpse paint!11 tr00 evil!1).
Since I've been over this 1000000 times and I'm not ready to type a bible and watch as people debate me with logical fallacies and immaurity, I'll stop here.