This Album is BAD

I was a little taken back at first. I now love the growth they have shown. It still is lacking without Patrick( the drums are reminicent of drum machine) but I think it has the collective appeal the band was going for. The solos are great. I dont feel Evergrey was a Slayer type band that built its foundation around only aggresion and chaotic movment. Try to remember Evergrey are very much a prog style power metal in the vein Queensryche or Malmsteen and even Dream Theater. I have grown to really appreacite the new album. Thanks Evergrey for a very excellent new disc.
Kenneth R. said:
if that was sarcasm that was brilliant, otherwise my smilie face is at you & not with you, sorry :lol: :goggly:
Alright fine, they did something differernt. But I still don't get the american appeal on the album cover and what's with the 666 everywhere on the album?! Evergrey always mentions they're not satanists and they dno't like satan. So what's the big deal?! Listen guy, Evergrey is still great, but where's the old melodies and what not. There's about 2 maybe 3 riffs per song on this cd. It just gets so old fast like a pop album.
Kenneth R. said:
And Zero Hour's "Towers of Avarice" is about the same length, and its a masterpiece.
I usually agree with your posts and respect your opinions, but by comparing this piece of shit (by Evergrey's standards) to a real masterpiece, you've dropped a few notches in my books. :Puke:

Seriously, it's Towers you're talking about. The new Evergrey is bland and wannabe-accessible no matter what. It's their shittiest songwriting and worst production to date. Masterpiece? PLEASE.

NP: Saga - Trust
I am comparing the length of Towers to the length of typical prog albums. Therefore stating that the length of the album is an absurd measure for the quality of it. See?

Secondly, how do you know Evergrey "sold out"? Did you phone Tom and have him confess or something? What if this is the music the band really felt in their hearts to make? Did Ulver sell out by making Blood Inside? I don't think you really have a point, and I usually agree with you as well. The people attacking MMA so far have utterly failed to provide any reason why it is oh-so-terrible. I can see people rationally stating "this is a good album but its not as good as (insert fav here)" but the kind of comments I'm seeing are completely unwarranted and represent, to me, the kind of antipop ignorance so prevalent in metal.
I feel they've sold out when I listen to their new album. Tom could say they've stayed true to their integrity for the rest of his life in every interview he does, but when I hear MMA I can sense a deliberate attempt at "selling out".

Get it now? Please stop acting like a fanboy who gets a hard-on whenever someone offers a dissenting opinion.
The irony of that statement is that Evergrey isn't even in my top 10 favorite bands, although I would say I am a fan since I have all the albums and enjoy them all to different degrees.

If someone told you Towers sucked, would you not be a little pissed because of the inaccuracy of such a statement? Nevermind if they liked it or not, denying that it has any value whatsoever as an album would get my nerves on edge as it is a solid disc. Same goes here. I'm not saying MMA is a masterpiece of metal, but the degree to which the negative comments has risen makes me put on that face. I simply can't understand how anyone could whip out the classic "they sold out!!!" when the album in question is clearly a solid piece of music, whether you liked it or not. I don't see Evergrey action figures and videogames, if you want a band that *sold out* look who's selling.
Towers is unreal..From song one to the Subterranean, wow.....You can't even compare them.....comparing them by length? that is too funny...So when Brittany their friend puts out an album that is 80 minutes in length its the same thing? come on..

Well, I have now listened to this ablum 4 times..I'm done with it...I like song 8 and song 12, that is it..The first 4 songs are beyond cheesy and pure sell-outs... horrendous songs with pure top 20 MTV want- a- be chorus's....Song 8 is the perfect Evergrey song....It has the sadness and solitude that made the band what they WERE....They have lost it but I think they might find it again... Again, this is just my opinion...This album is by far their worst and not even close to SDT or IS of Truth...If this is what makes them "big", then I want nothing to do with it...Again, I think they will respond, I'm counting on it actually

lunatic fan said:
Towers is unreal..From song one to the Subterranean, wow.....You can't even compare them.....comparing them by length? that is too funny...So when Brittany their friend puts out an album that is 80 minutes in length its the same thing? come on..

I don't understand how I wasn't clear the two or three times I've stated it... I am in agreement with you, but you don't realize it :goggly: . You can't look at an album's length and judge its quality based on the running time. It's true of Towers, it's true of MMA, it's true of Spears or anyone else. That was my argument on that element, that people saying MMA is "soldout" because it is short, are falling for this one.
MMA is sold-out because it has weak songwriting, shit production, and lifeless overall sound. It's got nothing to do with its running time. That's all I'm saying.

I believe I've done a good job of explaining WHY I think the new Evergrey pales in comparison to their back catalog here:

Ken, do you also think MMA is as good as Towers musically? Or does it perhaps even surpass it? Just curious. :)

NP: The Flower Kings - Paradox Hotel
not at all. I should have used a different album. Now everyone is fixated on that example (note example, not comparison). My point is:

1. The production is different. IMO it is not "shit", and I'm sure you don't think so either, compared with some of the terrible crap that comes out these days.
2. Weak songwriting? I think you just didn't like how the album came out.

Personally I was skeptical of the initial three clips posted before the album came out. I was not incredibly impressed on my first full listen. I would have classed it as "just good". Over time however, it has grown on me. It is not a knockoff of earlier albums, but for what it is, it does a great job in my opinion. Is it their best yet? I wouldn't say so. Is it "sold-out" "shit"? Absolutely not. Absurd.
I quite like this album:), while i think say recreation day and inner circle are better imo i still like this album, if all i do is comparare it to the old albums instead of just enjoying it for what it is then sure i may just plain go :Puke:at it.
I just reckon that's a good way of approaching judgment before calling the poor kids sellouts:)

Also they wrote the lyrics in the booklet for 'The Curtain fall' on a queensland police form...whooo Australia!:rock:
Kenneth R. said:
Honestly, I don't. What is wrong with a great band getting much-deserved fans? Maybe those people will discover Evergrey, and learn to think for themselves. Maybe not, their loss. I don't see what's so evil about radioplay. If a good band gets radioplay, that's one victory in the so-called battle for the ear of the public. If many good bands get radioplay, the radio would not suck, would it? So your logic seems confounded to me.

I don't understand why anyone would wish a band they enjoy to not recieve praise, even if it is praise by an unfamiliar audience

Yeah but when good bands go bad to get on radio that's deafeatign the whole purpose. If evergrey got on the radio with mark of the triangle that'd be fucking aawesome. But there not. They're getting on the radio with "unspeakable" the ending to that song is so commercial.:Puke:
So Unspeakable needed to be on RD to be good? Sorry, I get it now. If you like, I'll burn a new copy of RD and throw Unspeakable in the middle of the track list somewhere to make it good. Should fix everything.
The more I listen to the new album, the more typically Evergrey it appears to be. It's all there, the EG mode, the prog, the innovation; not to continue with beauty and perfection. It's just performed differently. You may get it or not, or maybe you dislike the tunes or whatever, either way, it’s definitely a good album. And it grows on you.

That’s my experience, for what it may be worth.