This Album is BAD

lunatic fan

Feb 9, 2004
I just rec'd my copy on April 5th..Its plain and simple...Its a pure sell out... I can actually picture Brittany Spears dancing in the background to any of the first 5 songs...ITs terrible..I am beyond dissappointed in this..I have seen Evergrey 3 times Live now in Atlanta and have been a fan for many years...IMO, its just not for me...It might be for some fans, its just not for me.......This album blows.. The band sold out, its that simple...

Sold Out? Plain And Simple? Bad? ....... have you even tried to fully listen to it?

i know its a little different from their old stuff but that don't mean they sold out, i think the albums good, i have not heard much of their old stuff but from what i have heard its great, their is no horrible songs on this, some are so and so but most tracks i think are good and a couple great.

i don't know where you get this Brittany Spears Shit at!
"don't mean they sold out, i think the albums good, i have not heard much of their old stuff but from what i have heard its great,"

Exactly.You don't know their old stuff...its why the real fans got into Evergrey and why we still listen to them today...they lost it..the band has lost it all

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Well... I'm not one of those "Wah, don't criticise my favourite band or I'll go mad"-type of girl, but still critic has to be reasonable. Means: Either you say something like "Yeah, well, it's okay but subjectively I don't like it" or you say "I think it's bad because of those reasons: [...]". Just saying "I loved them but now they sold out and suck" is IMO so stupid, sorry... The album has its weak points, yeah. It also has its improvements, and you don't like them - but so what? You sound like those kiddies thinking "Damn, more than 10 people know the name of my favourite band, I have to search for a new one" - the whole "sellout-thing" (of any band!!) is so pathetic.
The album isnt as progressive as they once were, but i still like the album. the album isnt their best but it isnt their worst either. i'm not saying any album is bad either cause they all rule. but everyone is going to have their opinion. i have mine and you have your's.
MainelyGrey said:
Humans fear change.......

and yet when a band stays the same people tend to get tired of em after awhile, fans in general send all kinds of mixed reactions to bands that been around and im sure its confusing as hell for a band wanting to please everyone!

although im not sure how much they have changed, damn i need to check out their other cd's :worship:
kingbocefus said:
The album isnt as progressive as they once were, but i still like the album. the album isnt their best but it isnt their worst either. i'm not saying any album is bad either cause they all rule. but everyone is going to have their opinion. i have mine and you have your's.

Not true. MMA is their most progressive album by far. In fact, there's a huge Pain Of Salvation influence here.
Yeah, I believe there is confusion over the term 'progressive'. Most people seem to think that the loss of traditional thrash oriented riffing means it doesn't fit the bill. I like to think that the new album has more thoughtful moments in a musical sense, like the cleverly constructed opening riff to 'Lost'. Man do I love that riff!
Yeah this album is horrible. The first 5 songs are sell out and the lyrics to "I should" Have absolutely no excuse for how fucking stupid they are. This isn't evergrey at all. Have you guys seen the cover of the album? UNder the mug shot's it says california and USA states. They're not even from fucking america! That's so sell out.
Geez do you babies need some tissue paper? Evergrey is trying something new for once and you just go all out on them. I have to say I wasn't impressed on the first couple listens, but now I love this album. It's still very Evergrey. And yes I love everything they have done (whomgz!!111). Just give the cd some more listens or just keep the negativity out of here.
Black Rain said:
Yeah this album is horrible. The first 5 songs are sell out and the lyrics to "I should" Have absolutely no excuse for how fucking stupid they are. This isn't evergrey at all. Have you guys seen the cover of the album? UNder the mug shot's it says california and USA states. They're not even from fucking america! That's so sell out.
if that was sarcasm that was brilliant, otherwise my smilie face is at you & not with you, sorry :lol: :loco:
Black Rain said:
Yeah this album is horrible. The first 5 songs are sell out and the lyrics to "I should" Have absolutely no excuse for how fucking stupid they are. This isn't evergrey at all. Have you guys seen the cover of the album? UNder the mug shot's it says california and USA states. They're not even from fucking america! That's so sell out.

i know what you're saying. I didnt quite get it, though deep inside i felt like it was a way to sell out...
Im not bashing on the album. Im just saying that I found it quite strange that they have pictures that say "California" on them. Specially considering that "A Night To Remember" so proudly stated "Made in Sweden".