this bums me out


I'm totally against anyone who would hurt any creature.

But fuck dammit, I still can't help but eat meat. I'd never, ever, ever personally hurt an animal though.
It wouldn't really surprise if moose hunters are behind the wolf population thinning...I'm sure there are plenty of old hunters who dont' want to (or can't) wait through nature's self-balancing act...I suspect the moose population overall is not really in danger.

Land & shoot is the lamest though. Fly around in a helicopter or plane, see a moose (or a caribou or whatever), land helicopter (or plane), shoot moose, put moose in helicopter (or plane), fly back to Anchorage. Laaaa-aaaame. Also illegal now, which is good.

Going on a hunting trip was a very eye-opening experience. I can better understand why these guys do what they do, but any claim of putting yourself at risk and engaging these wild animals is largely bullshit. I'm sure the figures of hunters killed by any sort of animals pales in comparison to the number killed in airplane crashes.
yea it's essentially for increasing the population of moose to hunt. it's for no 'wildlife preservation' purposes.

hunting rarely if ever is a viable form of population control anyway... as it usually throws off the ecosystem balance and just creates another population that needs to be hunted.

i saw a woman in a fur today carrying a world wildlife federation tote bag, if that gives you any idea about life.
i guess i disagree completely with you.

either way, i wish people wouldn't kill these wolves because they were just starting to regain momentum and not become entirely extinct :(
Well I know nothing of the situation with the wolves in alaska so I can't really comment on that. I do know that they are slowly becoming a problem in Wisconsin eating peoples cows and stuff. I believe around here if you see a wolf threatining your livestock you can shoot it. But I don't think we have a season.
well, i mean... wolves are like WOW WHERE DID THESE GIANT PIECES OF FOOD COME FROM? not like cows were just wandering the us back in the day.

anyway, there's some stuff about hunting on here:

i refuse to argue about such matters with anyone because it's just an opinion. there's no OH THIS WORKS AND THIS DOES NOT. there are several ways to solve any of those problems (all predatory canines in africa are well controlled by domesticated dogs and so on, i had a professor that set up a program like that there and studied it for 10 years, pretty neat) so i mean, you can't just say one thing works better / not especially in the US because they've essentially never allowed their own methods to be proven wrong (and sometimes even outlawed alternatives))
i read that. i guess to each their own. i think most animals would be like 'ouch' when you ate them tho. if you hadn't had someone else kill them first. woops.!
well, i don't know anything about this particular program (although if GWB supported it, that's enough to make me suspicious).

but i think it's really wrong for humans not to have an active hand in manipulating wildlife numbers of animals like wolves and moose. if this were ten thousand years ago, sure, humans shouldn't meddle and nature would balance things out, but it's not. nature will not balance things out anymore, even in supposedly wild areas. we screwed it up, and we damn well better do some research and figure out the best way to keep things like wolves and moose from extinction. but a laissez-faire, leave-them-alone attitude is probably at least as bad as a culling attitude.

sucks. but we can't complain about having the responsibility--we gave it to ourselves.
whoever said 'leave it alone' attitudes were okay either? like i *just* said alex, there are several method's for handling animal populations. not all involve killing them. that's like saying the death penalty is good for getting rid of the 'bad animals'. hahahh.