This chick rocks harder than I do

WOW! She actually plays it faster and better than EVH did when I saw him 15 years ago! She even has the old EVH hairdo!:kickass: :headbang:
This girl was born with a silver guitar, not a silver spoon, if she was playing like that when she was 12 years old. God damn. At 12 I was a pink lady with my friends in grammar school. lol!
Can I kill myself now?
i think practicing your guitar licks would be an easier solution on your family

She's pretty good but not THAT good.
i wouldn't expect any less of a comment from a guy with eddie van halen chucks as his avatar. you probabley mastered it when you where 11 right ?

i give praise where praise is do. i agree with eighteeschick, i was lip syncin kiss songs and jumping off my bed with a tennis racket for a guitar when i was 12.
karrokid said:
i think practicing your guitar licks would be an easier solution on your family

i wouldn't expect any less of a comment from a guy with eddie van halen chucks as his avatar. you probabley mastered it when you where 11 right ?

i give praise where praise is do. i agree with eighteeschick, i was lip syncin kiss songs and jumping off my bed with a tennis racket for a guitar when i was 12.

yeah, I didn't know I could play some of the licks on this song until i made some attempts this morning. the finger tapping part is not that hard, you just have to have the right tone and effects.

Eddie is much better because he improvises. Doesn't play it exactly like on the album. not even close but he has every right to considering he wrote it.
DarrellDethSDMF said:
She's pretty good but not THAT good.
So, you were in the audience the night I saw Van Halen 15 years ago? She DID play it better than Eddie did the night I saw him. Maybe EVH was having an off night, I don't know.
karrokid said:
i wouldn't expect any less of a comment from a guy with eddie van halen chucks as his avatar. you probabley mastered it when you where 11 right ?

No no no, I'll give credit when it's due and she's good. But better than Eddie? Hell no. There are propably thousands of players who can play Eruption faster that EVH but that don't mean they're better. That girl plays good, but she didn't write it, and I don't see her inspiring a new generation of guitar players. And I mastered Eruption when I was 19 years old and she also plays it better than me.:)
MikeyBong said:
So, you were in the audience the night I saw Van Halen 15 years ago? She DID play it better than Eddie did the night I saw him. Maybe EVH was having an off night, I don't know.

No man, I don't mean to be an asshole, I'm just saying that even though she played some parts faster than Eddie usually does, that don't mean she's a better player. I'm sure Eddie could play Eruption as fast as he wanted to, but I don't think that's the point. Maybe he was having an off night. My point is just that no matter how fast they play, no one can touch EVH when it comes to guitar playing. Forget about Steve Vai and Joe Satriani, Eddie's they guy who they all learned from.
original or not the girl odviously likes to play the guitar and at age 12 she's doing pretty damn good. i think i strated taking guitar lessons around age 12 and i was doing twinkle twinkle little star and some old waltz things out of a mel bay guitar book. i'm sure she'll be doing some original stuff soon enough. maybe she should hook up with diamond dave. he can do a mini van halen band cd next.
yeah, let's not find out !! That chick looks like a dude !!!

I'm not sure if learning so much technical shit at such a young age with loads of lessons is a such a good thing.

Vai and Satch may rock hard but can you name 10 songs of theirs?

Jimmy Paige, Jimi Hendrix, Clapton, Keith Richards, Slash, Halen, Joe Perry, those are the best because they were so innovative.

Morello is doing some really innovative stuff even though I'm not a big fan of Audioslave.
AlexStomp said:
yeah, let's not find out !! That chick looks like a dude !!!

I'm not sure if learning so much technical shit at such a young age with loads of lessons is a such a good thing.

Vai and Satch may rock hard but can you name 10 songs of theirs?

Jimmy Paige, Jimi Hendrix, Clapton, Keith Richards, Slash, Halen, Joe Perry, those are the best because they were so innovative.

Morello is doing some really innovative stuff even though I'm not a big fan of Audioslave.

good point,writing good solid riffs is better than virtuoso guitar anyday of the week in my book