This could just call for a "lol"

moonlapse_vertigo said:
So who would be the first?

credits to someone from the unofficial forum, i forgot who posted it...
Actually, the music itself wasn't the most horrible thing I've ever heard, it could have been worse. The vocals though, lmao.
Rødt_Og_Svart said:
Actually, the music itself wasn't the most horrible thing I've ever heard, it could have been worse. The vocals though, lmao.

Nah, the music sucked too.
That actually made me lol. They are a great band if you want a good laugh.
I think that was pretty entertaining song atleast. I thought it was a meshuggah song at first :D

Without the weird hiphop stuff and the wannabe moshing it would be alright, atleast better than the usual nu-metal :)
What the fuck was that?

I haven't heard or seen something that horribly bad in a long time. The intro was slightly decent but once the vocals came in, my mouth just dropped. Who can possibly like this and take it seriously? The headbanging section was fucking hilarious though. Seems they actually have to rehearse a headbang before doing it onstage, hah. I am never going to forget that.

I guess the guitarists were aiming for a brutal, crazy death metal riff, but all they did was a rip-off of multiple rip-offs.

I looked up Jada Pinkett Smith on IMDB and Wicked Wisdom is categorized as a pop/rock band, "well-known for being mainstream pop and brutal heavy metal."
The one and only plus was the phat bass line. Also, look at the comments under the video, someone said that they are better than most metal bands. I would have to say they sounded like an average metal band ha.
winters epilogue said:
jon snow said:
lol holy shit that's the worst music i've ever heard in my life lol omg wtf

edit: Holy shit is that Jada Pinkett Smith? wtffffffff???????????
Yes, it is.

wow. i thought you were kidding at first. then i looked it up. it is her. that is insane...just goes to show you what doors can open for you when you're famous.

easily one of the worst vocals i've ever heard for a band in a position like that (booked to perform on letterman). i totally thought she was carrot top with dye job at first. i still thought that even a few minutes into the song.

"More than two years ago Wicked Wisdom set out on a fearless journey to create music that defies boundaries and convention.."

That's funny.
benighted said:
wow. i thought you were kidding at first. then i looked it up. it is her. that is insane...just goes to show you what doors can open for you when you're famous.

easily one of the worst vocals i've ever heard for a band in a position like that (booked to perform on letterman). i totally thought she was carrot top with dye job at first. i still thought that even a few minutes into the song.

same here
Well I definetly would not call that the worse sound around...that title belongs to Mars Volta.

They had decent bass work....Jada needs to just stop.
uhh im fairly sure this band is for real, they were on Ozzfest too hahaha

A lot of articles that I read about Wicked Wisdom suggest that your biggest obstacle is credibility. What’s your response to that?
Pocket Honore: That ain’t no problem. Come out and get that ass beat every night we play. Credit that. Put that on the credit card.

sucK On DaT HataZ!
one review of them I read said that if you listen without prejudice you can hear a tight crunchy sound reminiscent of otep or kittie. :puke:
Nexis said:
in other news, 4146 people completely fucking SUCK DICK.

4198 :(

I hear Will and Jada are heavily into Otep... figures.

Did you hear Dave at the end of the video? "You weren't kidding, were you?"

And did you see the first comment? "the irony: this metal band is better than 3/4 of the metal bands out there." I just checked and this comment was deleted.