Now this may be a bit too early...

so less vocals? Don't flame me!
Actually I'd have to agree with you, but keep in mind GR was a afterall a concept album and needed to be explained through lyrics thouroughly. I actually perfer vocals as a background kinda thing here and there... I like the music to express what is trying to be said.
lots of cool suggestions, here's mine

keys- keep them as atmosphere. guitar-style keyboard solos are evil.
bass- let mendez do a bit more, loosen up on the locked in grooves and put back in some intricate riffage.
vocals- agree that clean vocals loose their power when overused. which brings me on to my main complaint on GR..

too much clean stuff. the album's lacking in intensity, the atmosphere just isn't there like on the other ones. guess it is revery-like though. and i'm still listening to it a lot, it's damn good, just not how i expected.

i'd like the next alb to tear it up, heavier, faster, maybe some blasts and more harmony guitar. *dreams*
What I'd like from the keys is more piano leads/melodies. I'm not talking Bodom stuff, I mean piano not keyboard sounding, like the sound on Prologue. Piano on top of some of the heavy riffs would sound great. I love mellotron, but it is not always completely effective. At the same time, props for the dirty organ in the baying of the hounds.

In my mind I'll be thrilled with whatever they do. I would like more BWP-era basswork, and I would like to have some more death growls.

Really my only real complaint with Ghost Reveries was that a few riffs just were way too stripped down and in some places trying too hard to sound scary that it bothered me.
I'd like them not to say anything about it until its made, and then let us all be amazed, with no knowledge of it before hand. I think they've been damned both ways in the past, Blackwater Park and Deliverance sounding so similar on a first listen people were let down as a first impression, then the new album is nothing like their other material and people say what the hell?

So whatever they do it looks like people will complain, but a couple months later everyone seems to get used to it and like it, I don't think there is anyone here that seriously dislikes an Opeth album, even if its not their favourite. I don't have any suggestions other than let there be a new album!! For all we know they might not make one, so thats my cunning suggestion, make a new album!!!
i have the same complaints about GR as most of you...
Its lacking in the intensity that first got me into Opeth - you could feel where a song was building up to a completely killer meltdown
But in GR its all just build up and no climax, like wanking but stopping before you finish
i loved the music though, its just not got any of the riffs that you hum really...apart from the first growling part of Harleqion forest, now thats a REAL riff \m/
"Instruments of death before me!"
"You are the laughing stock, of the absent minded!"

those are some cool lyrics

i think maybe a return to more of the proper acoustic guitar parts, not just clean parts. They gave Opeth an elegance that i fell in love with instantly and now is all but gone
Whoah, never even noticed the lack of acoustic guitar parts before!
I guess maybe they were sick of them after extensive and excellent usage in Damnation and wanted to do something different? Also I guess it wouldn't work so well on that album.
I guess to some extent the keyboards have taken over from it on GR. Which is cool because its something really different, but I really miss the guitar now that I notice that its missing! And yeah, a lot of people I know got into Opeth through Harvest and all of Damnation. Especially Harvest for some reason actually! It is great, but I don't know what its super pulling power is...
me either but god do i love that song!
Bleak is also an amazing song - it had acoustic parts but with screams over it which is just so....i can't think of a word for it...uhhhmmm...mindblowingly amazing!

Don't get me wrong, i like the keys too but i don't think they should sacrifice the acoustic guitar parts for it, mix them together for an even more atmospheric effect. Now theres an idea!
Moonlapse said:
I think the individual parts need a bit more spicing up. Listening to Ghost Reveries, keeping the songs as a whole in mind is fantastic. But when you're waiting for some memorable riffs, you're left quite disappointed. I'd love to see some intricate riffing as that on Still Life and My Arms Your Hearse.

Agreed! :)
fps said:
lots of cool suggestions, here's mine

keys- keep them as atmosphere. guitar-style keyboard solos are evil.
bass- let mendez do a bit more, loosen up on the locked in grooves and put back in some intricate riffage.
vocals- agree that clean vocals loose their power when overused. which brings me on to my main complaint on GR..

too much clean stuff. the album's lacking in intensity, the atmosphere just isn't there like on the other ones. guess it is revery-like though. and i'm still listening to it a lot, it's damn good, just not how i expected.

i'd like the next alb to tear it up, heavier, faster, maybe some blasts and more harmony guitar. *dreams*

I have a great idea.

How about dont make another Ghost Reveries.