This evening, I went to see Radiohead.

Nov 21, 2005
What an evening it was! Support came from the mighty Beck. I've always dug what Beck does, but it REALLY came alive in a live setting. He also put on a better visual show than anyone I've seen since The Flaming Lips nearly 2 years ago. He brought a puppet show with him, and also performed a marvellous trick which involved his band setting out and sitting around a dinner table, and then proceeding to play it like a musical instrument. That may sound lame, but I assure you it worked incredibly. And for him to finish on a song as all-out rocking as 'E-Pro' was pure class.

He was, however, outshone by the headliners. By a considerable distance. Just over 2 hours of absolute musical bliss. I don't think I could do it justice if I tried to describe it here. A set containing gems like 'Just', 'My Iron Lung', Paranoid Android', 'Karma Police', Idiotheque', 'Everything In It's Right Place', 'Pyramid Song', 'You And Who's Army', 'Fake Plastic Trees', 'Where You End And I Begin', 'There There', '2+2=5',and rather spectacularly, 'CREEP' was just too good to be true. But my two cents is this:

Anyone who tries to tell me that Radiohead is not the most creative, important, unique and brilliant band of our generation is... well, wrong, tbqh.

So, has anyone else had the pleasure of the Radiohead live experience? If so, what were your impressions?
It's difficult to get tickets. I was very lucky, I didn't have one until yesterday. They sold out in 2 hours, but someone I know had spares, so I bought it (at full price). Very fortunate for me.

But seriously, any of you who haven't seen them, if you ever get the chance then take it, you won't regret it, not for a second :)
The first gig I ever went to when I was about 14, or pehaps just 15. My uncle's friends pulled out at the last minute so he sold me his ticket cheap. My uncle and I were standing whilst my aunt and cousin went and sat. I chatted with my uncle for about an hour before about music (he's sen hundreds of bands live, which to me at the time was a monumental task) the power of The Asian Dub Foundation began their support set, amazing, this was something I'd never experienced before. Then this little scrwany guy with a dogy eye steps on stage, as the crowd cheers for at least 5 minuets I realise this is Radiohead. The set list I can't remember, A. Because I was young and it was awfully long ago and B. because there were these two guys in front of us who slowly made their way through a nine bar as the night progressed, with the smoke blowing our direction, my uncle and I were nicely baked. They did however play Street Spirit, You and Who's Army? and Miximatosis. All the while Thom was on prozac so the depressing, wickedly insightful frontman people were expecting was exchanged for wiry, elf, bouncing around the stage, picking daft fights with members of the crowd and giving silly looks and blowing kisses at the camera, a very funny man. All in all it was an amazing evening, probably one of the most important experiences I've had it just chaged my whole out look on music, nowdays gigs is a massive part of my life, and it's even shaped whta I want to do as a career. Really a very important experience and an awesome band.
That's a cheap shot :lol:
They're not the most brilliant band ever, but I can really enjoy a Radiohead album every once in a while. Although I like their early guitar orientated stuff better than the newer kinda floaty diddly-doo stuff. But still one of the best popbands of the last two decades.
They sold out in 2 hours

Heh, the show out my way sold out in about two minutes.

Saw them about a month ago, they were playing relatively small gigs around America and they played the best venue in my area. Helluva show, but when I was there I was thinking that Opeth's show is actually more impressive....but they're the top two.

Last show was about half new songs, which is cool and different but certainly not the same as seeing them put out an all-star setlist, where they easily have 20 mindblowing songs to play. And they're amazing live too, Greenwood is a much better guitarist when he lets loose.
wow.....i cannto wait to see them would a sight to behold...!!!...good to hear u ahd fun...!!!....Keep rockin....PEAC EOUT