This FUCKING sucks.....


New Metal Member
Jun 27, 2006
Well i am going on vacation next week, and i have been wanting to see CoB live for about 2 years now. I look on the tour dates. Today they are playing the only Concert in GA, and yesterday they played one thats like 50 miles from where i live. I HATE THAT FUCKING SCHEDULE. WHY ARE ALL OF THE SOUTHERN CONCERTS BEING PLACED ALL AROUNG LA?
Get a permit it's easy as hell, then all you need is a friend and one of the parents car.

also... what is 2006 CoB year ?
COB in concert were a real letdown in my opinion. The keyboarder looked like he was about to fall asleep.


PS - Kataklysm kicked ass live :)
Why does everyone hate Children of Bodom? I think they are pretty damn good. Sometimes I get annoyed with the keyboards but they are one of my favortie mdm bands.
I like CoB a lot...just live they didn't provide a lot of energy.

Opeth sucked live to me too.

Some bands just don't have the OOMPH power that their CD's do.

I havent seen them live, but I really cant get whats so great about them. They suck, imo.
It always makes me laugh to see people go "Yeah I liked the first CoB album but everything after that sucked". All their albums sound exactly the same (excluding maybe their latest which I have not heard). Either you like them or you don't, stop trying to be "old school" by pretending that their first one was good and then everything they did sucked and they "sold out" or something.

For the record I quite enjoy CoB at times and own their first 3 albums. They're fun to listen to when I'm in the right mood. And CoB are not melodic death metal (I think someone in this thread said something of that sort).