Drum Machines


Jun 12, 2010
What is your opinion on drum machines? They're so easy to hate on, but I really don't think the hate is justified. Certainly, they usually produce a more homogenized sound than a real drummer, but they're one of the reasons that a lot of kickass one man bands have formed.

Still, I think that drum machines are best used in bands that don't perform live that often. For instance, Hate by Sarcófago was a fucking awesome album, but I think if I went to one of the concerts for the tour of this album, something might have been missing. I've never actually gone to a concert where a drum machine is used, but this is just how I think I would feel about it. Thoughts?
Shaun from Putrid Pile performs with a drum machine. Works alright I guess, although I'd still prefer a living person before a drum machine any day of the week.

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Performing with a drum machine is just weird. Seems fake and like something is missing. Drum machines can be good on some albums but nothing beats an actual drummer.
I have to say that drum machines should be used for nothing more than one man bands producing music from their homes. I also think its not a bad idea for structuring songs. However in my personal opinion, i would only use one if i couldnt get my hands on a real drummer.
Torsofuck and Retch use drum machines quite well IMO.

Also I think that the wet and echoing drum machine on Blut Aus Nord's The Work Which Transforms God really adds the atmosphere and would not be as great with a fully acoustic set.