This Godless Endeavor as Therapy

So I'm sitting here at work. All I do is type bullshit all day long, mind numbing, though thankfully I am aloud to listen to music. No matter how crabby or tired or non motivated I am in the morning or throughout the day, all I have to do is pop in This Godless Endeavor and I can speed through all my work without gritting my teeth. Actually any Nevermore album will do, but Godless is definately at the top of my list.

Nevermore definately has helped me get though many a shitty day:):rock:
Sometimes I get to play music in the backroom of my work, but that is only about 1/3 of the time. I so wish I could use an iPod the rest of the time. I have played Nevermore many times, at a very loud volume.
the absolute best song, when ur moody in the morning and crabby, is ...

"When i`m Up" from Great Big Sea

well i`m working in a store ... so it`s pretty hard for me to listen to other music than radio ... *pukes*

but when i`m in the laboratory - haha i close the door ... muahahah and theeeenn *headshake* ;) hahahaha