this is for rusted

i think it is great that you have found your religion and, even though it puzzles me how "devout" you have become in such a short time, i accept your beliefs (which some other non-christians here should as well).

BUT. .

i do NOT accept your "judging" of other board members. keep your condemnations to yourself and the people of your religion. we don't need that here. especially from someone like you, who has not always been mr. saint-man on these boards (i know, i know, i'm just as guilty). it is hard to tell when you are "joking" and when you are not. i used to be able to always tell. now i'm not so sure anymore.

which brings me to my next point: that comment about the deaths of "6 million Christ-killers" was not only uncool, it is totally HYPOCRITICAL. did jesus not say to love everyone as your neighbor, to not judge others, etc.? those were his basic teachings, am i right? if you had read the gospels you would known that jesus was VERY adamant against THE PEOPLE OF HIS OWN FAITH who were just like you, placing condemnations on others, judging others, being hypocritical, being "holier-than-thou"; basically THE SAME STUFF YOU ARE DOING. they were called the pharisees. learn from their mistakes, or don't go around calling yourself a christian when you act EXACTLY as jesus taught that his followers should not act. don't be a hypocrite. follow the faith as christ taught, not as your church may teach.

that is all

have a nice day
You can be a flame bitch on the CC board but when its comes to ''your'' forum u say ''We dont need that here'' I laugh in hate.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I believe a short while ago,Rusted requested that I do some gay shit w/this person that I was talking about and post in on the internet for him to masturbate to...isn't that a very lustful,immoral,wicked and sinful thing for someone as devoutly religious as Rusted to say?
yeh my theory is he's pullin everyones chain to get attention and some new topis on the board. hes still a little heathen wanker.
d00d I never condemned anyone, dammit blackwinter your turning into a bitch
"6 million Christ-killers" was not only uncool, it is totally HYPOCRITICAL.

itS' mroe than that'S one of the most stupid things i have ever seen on UM:... i got "christ-killers" as friends...
yeah but the 'half god' part of jesus cancells out the poison of jewish blood

(this is RIP50)
We dont need that pushy religion shit at any forum.

SO, are you haveing fun at "YOUR" forum?

You see fuck shit, this is not MY forum, its not BWD's forum. Our MOd is a GOD, she would never throw anyone out of a forum. You and your mates, and your mods, are all cum eaters. YOu dont like Zombie music, you know music to eat ppl to. you like cum gurgle music. YOu fuckers are pathetic **""I cant stand the heat, lets block this forum to only cash out email registrations"***

YEah, dont confuse a public forum lik ethis one to a nazi fuckin hyp-O-cryte forum like the cc board. Hell your not a memebr of teh cc board, there is no cc board, only a cc club full of flaming retards, cock suckers, mongaloids, and prick ass babies who fuckin cry.

Go jump off a bridge with a bunch of rocks tied to your cock. YOu little son of a bitch.

Fuck you and your music, and your parents, and your beliefs.

ON another note, you seem to like real close up pics of guys dude, you had a big ass close up of some guys, of whome im sure you thought were sexxy as hell, now you have another even more close up pic. Do you need glasses? If so, you should get some, whackin to those pics would be much more fun if you could see better.
Its funny how easy it is to piss you off on a forum...

I pitty you.

hmmm You talk so much about cock , dick , jizz and cum.. I think your the ''cock smoker'' here.

:puke: ledmag