this is for rusted

Your a reatrd. WHy do always think Im mad? DO i have to be mad to say things like you eat cum?

Grow up prick smoker.

So, how has your private club been going?
Oh yeah

If i rememebr correctly, you wanted me booted, that means your the one who was mad.

YOu are a real fun guy to fuck with you know that dont you.

You get your panties in a bind all the time.

When i try to get you banned, then you may be able to say im mad, till then, shut your fucken pie hole, and stop making brainless assumptions, you look retarded enough as it is.

GHo poke your dads ass dude, have fun.
poet<<<< hahaha, we meet again! believe it or not, i actually miss you and your friends at the cc board. i say welcome!

RIP50<<<<dude, i'm not bitching, but some of your statements were just wrong. i've known you for a while and you've been really cool to chat with and stuff, but some of this stuff you are doing is really out of character. i know we've fucked around before with people, but this is kinda getting out of hand. later, man