THIS is the best game ever done!

I just watched a top 100 video games of all time thing on some cable channel, and I think 3 out of their top 10 were Zelda games. Love me some Zelda.

My faves would be

Zelda, ocarina of time and link to the past.
Final Fantasy VII
Mario Kart (64) I played that a TON with friends in middle/ high school)
This thread is restoring my faith in gamers!

Here's some more stuff you guys may remember:

Settlers 1 and 2 kicked ass.



Warzone 2100. Extremely underrated imo. Especially with the fanmade updates, it's pretty badass. Rotary Howitzer and Groundshaker cannons have to be the coolest base defense ever.
I don't know how many hours of my life I have lost in this one :


I don't know if any of you played some of those, but damn these were epic :



The company which is gonna release a next gen XWing / Tie Fighter space combat sim with a new engine and HD graphics will just get all my money.
Actually never played the first two Warcrafts. But I was addicted to the third one. First and only game I ever was really into gaming. One day I realized it's stupid to spend (or rather waste) so much time on gaming and quitted. Now I occassionally play Fifa or something like that on my XBox while having some beers with friends. Still many good games I played when I was younger and brings back memories :)[/IMG]

Haha Wing Commander 3 was awesome, I had it for the Panasonic 3DO. Had Myst, Alone in the Dark 1 and 2, The Daedalus Encounter and Doom for that system. first CD based system I owned.

Been wanting to snag all the Serious Sam games lately, loved those when they came out.
My heart just exploded

If you liked the original Tomb Raider, you should check out the 10 year anniversary edition. It's a full remake of the original, with some extensions, and I actually really like it! All the cool levels from the original, with the fluid controls of the later games.

St. Francis' Folly is an awesome level btw. It kicked my ass as a kid, and I loved every minute of it. Pretty nice to revisit it years later.
I wrote a whole Black Metal conceptual Ep based on Blood Omen but never released it. That one and Soul Reaver are brilliant games. Yeah I'm kinda wanting to play a lot of these mentioned games again, but I wish I could actually make time to spend hours playing like I did when I was younger. Fuck being a grown up having to work all day and making time for working out, reading, playing bass and doing studio work on the side