This is the shit we have to deal with in the United States

I remember being told that "people like you grow up to be terrorists" at the age of 11, after telling the school music teacher that I did not want to partake in Christian hymns.

Back on topic.

I don't know whether it's because I'm English, and therefore naturally self-conscious, but how the fuck does America not find half of it's tv cheesy?
I watch videos all the time at work (mainly due to the fact that it has the most videos :D) and I cannot even bare to watch some of it.
At the same time it's awesome, it's just so bizarre...

Maybe it's just the NTSC tricking my mind into thinking that it's Hollywood that I can't take this video seriously :lol:
I know, victim? Laughable.

I'm pretty sure anyone can pray when they want. How can you even stop it? But nooooo they're not happy enough with that. They want to make it a spectacle and shove the crap down everyone's throat. Why can't people be happy enough having the freedom to practice whatever they want on their own time? Why is it so important to make sure the whole world knows? I don't get it.
Have you guys read this study about FOX? It essentially showed that people who watched the "news" on FOX are in fact getting more stupid: Asked general question about politics and international happenings, they knew even less than people who never watched news :lol: People who didn't read or watch news had an 18% higher chance of giving the correct answer. Plus the informations FOX watchers actually remembered from the show were dead wrong :lol: I lol'ed so hard.. then I cried.
If you get a kick out of Perry, check out the ceation musem.

They explain away pretty much the entire scientific method, how dinosaurs were on Noah's ark, etc.

My wife and I went there this year and I had to bite my hand most of the way through to stop from laughing.

We went to the museum after I learned that one of my cousins took their kids to the place. Not as a joke, to teach them about the origins of the world.
I know, victim? Laughable.

I'm pretty sure anyone can pray when they want. How can you even stop it? But nooooo they're not happy enough with that. They want to make it a spectacle and shove the crap down everyone's throat. Why can't people be happy enough having the freedom to practice whatever they want on their own time? Why is it so important to make sure the whole world knows? I don't get it.

Yeah I know, praying is as much of a human right as is collecting stamps in your free time, but no, they want SPECIAL treatment for their stuff cause it´s what they BELIEVE. People want to pray in class? Guess what, I wish I could play guitar in class but I fucking can´t because that´s not what class is for. I wanna play guitar, so I do it, but I´m not fighting for my right to publicly do it in place and times that are not made for it. Wanna pray, worship and cry about it? Go ahead, just do it in your time, in your place.
While the public school system here in the states is supposed to be secular, there is nothing that restricts a student's right to pray (within reason). And more often then not, the schools allow the students to put up displays celebrating their religious holidays. In the mid 1990s when I was in high school, there were a lot of religious student groups, too. For instance, there was a Southern Baptist Christian group that always started the day by holding hands around the flagpole and saying a prayer.

What bothers me about political videos like Rick Perry's is that he is clearly and obviously lying, and will largely get away with that. Not to mention he is making a backhanded comment about gay soldiers.
^ Lol @ Carlos' vid.

Perry for President!
one of the reasons why I chose that pic ;)
spelled it right I think, but I have no idea how to spell it in english
Perry is only funny up to the point that you realize he's frighteningly viable as the republican's lead candidate. I am not looking forward to 2013.


Perry is like the fat chick you fuck who makes you feel great but you'd never bring around in public or introduce to your friends