This is the shit we have to deal with in the United States

him or Gingrich, yes

barring something really fucked up though, most likely Romney

Gingrich has too much baggage to get the nomination IMO - leaving your wife on her deathbed and cheating on another wife while gunning for the impeachment of the President for cheating on his wife isn't exactly a clean slate, and I know that'll come up more than it already has as we get closer to the primary.

Romney is the only remotely electable nominee, and as you pointed out, he's a self-hating Democrat who won't pull numbers come November. Anyone that things Obama won't have a 2nd term is either delusional or knows something the rest of us don't.
Funny how he's wearing the same jacket as Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain while being so anti-gay.

i can seriously see no reason not to elect Dave Mustaine if that guy is running...
Thanks for that link but what I meant was that I hope there's not going to be a majority of dumbass Republicans in the congress this time.

Riiiiight, because Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are dumbass Republicans who lead the Senate and House majorities from 2008-2010. They sure stonewalled Obama's policies.