This is what we all need!!!


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
Here is the plugin for all those looking for a quick fix, that one plugin to give you "TACT" the answer to "How do drums?", the how to make Line 6 POD sounds perfect. It will turn that shitty metalcore vocalist into the next big star and inprove their lyric writing abilities.

Ladies and gentleman - it is here "Turd Polisher Pro" - the answer to all your recording dilemmas.


Someone posted this over at the Cakewalk forums and I figured I'd share it with my fellow Sneapsters. Sorry for posting this over in the equipment forum since it clearly intended to be a joke, but I thought it was funny. It Probably belongs in "Off-Topic" but oh well.
I downloaded it for shits and giggle and it turned out to be SFX Machine Pro. I was thinking maybe there would be something funny inside.
And some of the feedback is hilarious:

"I recorded a politician talking about closing the Medicare donut hole. Three clicks later, Turd Polisher Pro created my new song, 'Close Your Donut Hole,' and posted it to iTunes. Amazing!"

"I am constantly astounded by what Turd Polisher comes up with! As a test, I dictated a story right out of the newspaper. Twenty minutes later, I had a real tear-jerker of a song. Now it's a number two hit on the country charts!"

"I like the way you can choose the target demographics — depressed teenage girls, angry rural voters, people who still buy CDs, etc. Brilliant!"