This is why I don't post on this board

i hope so! to some the change of singers is the ruin of their lives. just remember that guy Nathan Gale who killed Dimebag just because he broke up Pantera. his words were "you broke up Pantera, you ruined my life." before he shot Dime.

He didn't say anything. Even if he had, nobody would have heard it anyway. This is just a rumor.

He was a paranoid schizophrenic who thought Darrell had been reading his mind, stealing his thoughts and laughing at him. It had nothing to do with the Pantera breakup.
i hope so! to some the change of singers is the ruin of their lives. just remember that guy Nathan Gale who killed Dimebag just because he broke up Pantera. his words were "you broke up Pantera, you ruined my life." before he shot Dime.

That NEVER happened. I was a witness that night. I saw the whole thing, it was the worst night of my life. The band were PLAYING when he shot him. Even if he yelled something - nobody could have heard the person standing next to them, yelling in their ear, let alone that guy. Some complete douchebag MADE THAT UP in order to get on the news. Seriously. It really never happened. And just because one douchebag made that up, everyone always assumed that was the motive. The fact is, Nathan Gale had NOTHING related to Pantera in his apartment, and yet they found a Damageplan CD in his portable CD player in his car, which he listened to on his way to Columbus. There wasn't even TIME to yell something, let alone a time when it was quiet enough to do so. he ran up and started firing - there was no slow motion dramatic movie-like moment where the shooter points his gun at someone for dramtic effect. He fired immediately.
He didn't say anything. Even if he had, nobody would have heard it anyway. This is just a rumor.

He was a paranoid schizophrenic who thought Darrell had been reading his mind, stealing his thoughts and laughing at him. It had nothing to do with the Pantera breakup.

i even read somewhere that he thought Pantera have stolen his song ideas *lol*.
That NEVER happened. I was a witness that night. I saw the whole thing, it was the worst night of my life. The band were PLAYING when he shot him. Even if he yelled something - nobody could have heard the person standing next to them, yelling in their ear, let alone that guy. Some complete douchebag MADE THAT UP in order to get on the news. Seriously. It really never happened. And just because one douchebag made that up, everyone always assumed that was the motive. The fact is, Nathan Gale had NOTHING related to Pantera in his apartment, and yet they found a Damageplan CD in his portable CD player in his car, which he listened to on his way to Columbus. There wasn't even TIME to yell something, let alone a time when it was quiet enough to do so. he ran up and started firing - there was no slow motion dramatic movie-like moment where the shooter points his gun at someone for dramtic effect. He fired immediately.

i hope something like that will never happen again but i was at some shows in very small clubs and at a rock festival in early '05 and there were no body-checks, made me feel uncomfortable in a way.
i hope something like that will never happen again but i was at some shows in very small clubs and at a rock festival and there were no body-checks, made me feel uncomfortable in a way.

Body checks are just a false sense of security anyway. Let's be honest here - say I walked up to a club with a gun in my pocket, with the intent to shoot someone. They check my body, use a metal detector, you really think I'd just give them the gun and go in peacefully? I could just as easily pull the gun out and shoot the guy at the door, and go in anyway. Unless the security guys have guns too, I'd win that 'fight.' And honestly, do we really need every security guy carrying guns everywhere?

You could walk into Walmart and some nutjob could shoot we add security guys with guns at Walmart too?

"Security" is just a dumb word to make people FEEL secure. You can't stop everything - if someone is determined to kill someone, they're gonna do it!
JonnieCzech isn't that the emo fag who said he wasn't going to ever post here again? LOL. Welcome back.

I saw footage from the Sonisphere show in the Czech Republic. It looks like the crowd was having a horrible time. Don't know how they got through it. Nobody was even standing up or cheering. Looks like it was a huge dissapointment. I don't know how Anthrax can continue on. Obviously no interest now that their most recognizable vocalist is back in the band.

Here is some footage of that show. I feel bad for the guys in Anthrax it looked so horrible. If you look closely enough in the video you can see JonnieCzech in the back row with a dildo up his ass holding up a poster of John Bush

Oh well, because some guys in the front row having their hands up in the sky the whole time must indicate a fuckin' great concert. lol. Every little shitty band i saw at Wacken last week got more positive response from the crowd.

Sorry, couldn't resist to join the fun :D
Body checks are just a false sense of security anyway. Let's be honest here - say I walked up to a club with a gun in my pocket, with the intent to shoot someone. They check my body, use a metal detector, you really think I'd just give them the gun and go in peacefully? I could just as easily pull the gun out and shoot the guy at the door, and go in anyway. Unless the security guys have guns too, I'd win that 'fight.' And honestly, do we really need every security guy carrying guns everywhere?

You could walk into Walmart and some nutjob could shoot we add security guys with guns at Walmart too?

"Security" is just a dumb word to make people FEEL secure. You can't stop everything - if someone is determined to kill someone, they're gonna do it!

You could just ban guns, but i guess that would be to easy, since most americans somehow feel saver with this things around.
You could just ban guns, but i guess that would be to easy, since most americans somehow feel saver with this things around.

Novel idea and in spirit, I'm with you - but realistically, there's already millions and millions of them on the streets. Too easy? If you banned them, they'd still be in the hands of criminals. Making it illegal for a regular person to have them at this point would make it way too easy for criminials to commit even more crimes, since nobody would have any defense whatsoever.

Plus, if they actually tried to repeal the 2nd amendment, the revolting would be tremendous. And ignoring the riots and protests, can you imagine if our government had to send agents door to door to take people's guns from them? More often than not, people will be "here you go" *BAM*.

More people would die in the attempt to REMOVE the guns than ever will with them in circulation.
Novel idea and in spirit, I'm with you - but realistically, there's already millions and millions of them on the streets. Too easy? If you banned them, they'd still be in the hands of criminals. Making it illegal for a regular person to have them at this point would make it way too easy for criminials to commit even more crimes, since nobody would have any defense whatsoever.

And that is the problem: People think they need them to defend themselves. But statistics show, that nearly no one ever shot a criminal with his gun, but a lot of innocent people get shot by accident with guns bought for defense.

Plus, if they actually tried to repeal the 2nd amendment, the revolting would be tremendous. And ignoring the riots and protests, can you imagine if our government had to send agents door to door to take people's guns from them? More often than not, people will be "here you go" *BAM*.

More people would die in the attempt to REMOVE the guns than ever will with them in circulation.

I guess that is true but also sad. I could never live in a neighborhood with guns lying around, i think it's totally scary.
Oh well, because some guys in the front row having their hands up in the sky the whole time must indicate a fuckin' great concert. lol. Every little shitty band i saw at Wacken last week got more positive response from the crowd.

Sorry, couldn't resist to join the fun :D

how was Wacken? have you seen Maiden? Slayer? Anvil? Voi Vod? Overkill? Cannibal Corpse? what a god-like line-up.
You could just ban guns, but i guess that would be to easy, since most americans somehow feel saver with this things around.

I certainly do. I own 6 rifles and two handguns, and have never been around a firearm "accident". I am the 4th generation (that I know of) who enjoy guns & hunting. If you don't want guns, fine. But don't ban me from them because you don't like them. More people are killed by cars & doctors every single year than guns. Wanna ban them?

People need to LEARN responsibility. Period. If I wanted to kill someone I would. Gun or no gun. Think about it.

All that liberal BS makes me sick.
Bush sang on an Six Feet Under-song with Barnes. not the biggest CC fan but their Barnes-records+Wretched Spawn are pretty cool. saw them live in a small club and a crazy guy in the first row screamed at the top of his lungs "Play something heavy!!!" during their set and Fisher got confused and said something like "i thought that all our songs are heavy." *lol* and another guy in the first row was actually sleeping during their set with his head lying on the stage *LMAO*, i couldn't believe my eyes. looks like Cannibal Corpse is the perfect bedtime music.