This Jacob Hansen sound!!!


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I found some details here about his way of recording but I'd like to know more about processing. I didn't read anything about that on this forum.

Could anybody post info about EQ, compression, mic pre... What does he use? And what are his habits, what does he listen to when EQing guitars?

I dig everything of his production. He has always a very clear bass sound, powerful drums and the guitars are simply amazing!

If Jacob himself could reveal some tricks and tips about his way of working after the recording sessions it could be really great :loco:
Jacobs productions is awesome <3

Try to search the forums as there have been a few topics about him already with some cool information
I can remember I saw he wrote on a danish forum that he low passes guitars down to around 6000-7000, but not sure what kind of filter he uses.

He is also known to mix a track reamped with a marchall valvestate behind the main guitar tones for some extra twang/snap.

oh and some vague information about his mastering that he wrote to me
On my master buss I use different things, but mainly plug-ins. EQ -> comp -> tapesimulator -> EQ -> multiband comp -> limiter or clipper. Sometimes even more plug-ins, and sometimes a lot less. It really depends on what I'm going for.

And yes, I mix with a little bit of compression on the masterbuss, to hear how it reacts. When I think I have a decent mix, I start mastering and finish mixes with mastering treatment at the same time.
I'm not gonna spill his secrets, but what I can say is that he's not afraid to use lots of EQ...if that means a 7 band and another multiband on the masterbus...why not.
there's a lot of EQ on guitars and vocals also, he's using Pro Tools 7band EQ a lot.
What's interesting about his mixes IMO is that when you solo the instruments they don't really sound that special at all, but he does a lot of sculpturing with EQ etc that makes the entire mix sit together very nicely.
it's not about which preamps, compressors etc he's using IMO, it's the way he's treating the mix, he seems to have a very good ear fr what needs to be done to the seperate instruments to make the mix work, even if that means he has to bend the seperate tracks a lot.
There's also a lot going on on the 2 bus and with vocals etc

I think he's got a certain style that is easily recognizable....that's a good thing in the world of production
Thanks for your inputs guys :)
Yeah it's not really about which gear but how he uses them actually. And it's interesting to know he uses PT EQ-7. I myself use it a lot mainly because it comes with PT and works great hehe...

Lasse, you told about soloing the instruments. Did ya have the chance to work with him?