Reign in Acai
Of Elephant and Man
KILL TULLY said:A lot of times I just wish the left-wing types could have their way and magicly get a new president, who in reality wouldn't 'fix' or drasticly change shit and they could shut their fucking mouths and finally try to make stuff work instead of complaining.
I seriously hope they get their left-wing God come next term. So I can sit back and laugh at them voicing the very same complaints as they are now. How many presidents have had an approval rate of over 50%? Not too damn many I don't think.
Bush's worst move was getting rid of Sammy Sosa, not bombing a bunch of Aladdin Worshippers.
My question to all you libs is, is there any War worth fighting for?!?!
The billions wasted would only be well spent if it were your loved one who plummeted a hundred stories down in a firey tower of doom, aye?