This makes me sad...

^i see, well i dunno that's my excuse. that and my limitless contempt. actually it's probably more the contempt in my case.
Reign in Acai said:
One day I shall buy you a beer. :kickass: Ever attend gigs in Queer Angeles?
can't say i ever do really, but i've been to LA many times and should i make it down there at some point i'll make sure to note it here :kickass:
General Zod said:
While I agree with you, I'm pretty sure Dark One views the press as being staunchly conservative.


You mean staunchly liberal? Either way, I think there's more balance than there's ever been, but I do think it still slants toward the liberal side, particularly with all of the non-news media sharing their politics on a daily basis (from the Bill Maher's to the Barbara Striesand's).

Anway - some of what I've read leads me to believe that you think I'm a staunch Republican. Do you? Because I'm not. Honestly, at most a little right of center.
Reign in Acai said:
^ I thought that pals comment was directed towards me. I now feel like crying like an emo liberal...hold me.
it's ok, i bought you a hillary button and tickets to the bright eyes concert

it was directed at everyone really