This makes me sad...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
The day after 9/11 France's Le Monde newspaper declared, "We are all Americans". Within a year and a half, cafeterias serving the House of Representatives started selling "Freedom Fries".

I can't help but think we had a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the world for the better and instead simply chose to crank up the war machine... again.

At present, we've spent $3.13 billion on the war in Iraq.

For what? 2,700 dead American soldiers and 41,000 dead Iraqi civilians (which is a conservative estimate).

Well, at least we've made Halliburton and the Oil companies rich.

What's even more amazing is, 46% of Americans STILL believe Saddam Hussein was connected to the 9/11 attacks, even though there's not a shred of proof to support that.

I'd love to know what might have been if we had an administration led by an intelligent, competent diplomat, instead of a blundering chicken hawk.

Sorry... had to rant.

its not a joke Zod
you should be supporting your president in this time of war as he protects you
and your freedoms instead you spit in the face of the soldiers who died protecting YOUR liberty
people its time to pull together i support of the United Corporations of Amercia
unhinged said:
its time to pull together i support of the United Corporations of Amercia
I pledge obedience, to the flag, of the Blinded States of America, and to the Fascism, for which it now stands, one nation, under Jesus, divisible, with poverty and injustice for all.

unhinged said:
its not! a joke Zod,
you, shuold be suporting you're presedent! in this time of ware as he pretects you,
and youre fredom enstead you spit in the faces of the soldeir, who died pretecting YOURE libarty!!
translated into the american :Smug:
Dark One said:
Dammit. I always try to avoid clicking on these threads around here when I see them, but sometimes I can't help it with the neutral titles. Oh well.
In all fairness, if you'd just stop being an evil Republican, you wouldn't mind these threads.:loco:

unhinged said:
I'd love to hand you a double vodka for that statement general

Dark One said:
Dammit. I always try to avoid clicking on these threads around here when I see them, but sometimes I can't help it with the neutral titles. Oh well.
I keep reading: I can't help it with the neutral tities.

Btw, I approve of this thread, cheers Zod

You know what makes me sad? The fact that it's 4:46 and I have yet to eat breakfast. Thankfully this is america, where I can walk out the door and buy myself a meal, rather than sitting in my own feces with flies circling my face. Yay Bush!!!
General Zod said:
I pledge obedience, to the flag, of the Blinded States of America, and to the Fascism, for which it now stands, one nation, under Jesus, divisible, with poverty and injustice for all.


Hail to Jesusland! May Bush always protect us against the evildoers and the freedom haters and the truth!
Reign in Acai said:

You know what makes me sad? The fact that it's 4:46 and I have yet to eat breakfast. Thankfully this is america, where I can walk out the door and buy myself a meal, rather than sitting in my own feces with flies circling my face. Yay Bush!!!

I bet if you just gave him a few more terms, (your pititful constitution doesn't seem to matter much anyways) we'll see if he can't rectify that as well.
A lot of times I just wish the left-wing types could have their way and magicly get a new president, who in reality wouldn't 'fix' or drasticly change shit and they could shut their fucking mouths and finally try to make stuff work instead of complaining.
A lot of times I just wish the left-wing types could have their way and magicly get a new president, who in reality wouldn't 'fix' or drasticly change shit and they could shut their fucking mouths and finally try to make stuff work instead of complaining.

Your right really. No liberal or anyone for that matter can fix the shit we're now in.
A lot of times I just wish the left-wing types could have their way and magicly get a new president, who in reality wouldn't 'fix' or drasticly change shit and they could shut their fucking mouths and finally try to make stuff work instead of complaining.

Haha, no, a liberal would really screw you people up! What you need is a smart conservative whose moral values haven't been fucked beyond belief by christian filth and jewish cocks up the ass.
Crimson Velvet said:
Haha, no, a liberal would really screw you people up! What you need is a smart conservative whose moral values haven't been fucked beyond belief by christian filth and jewish cocks up the ass.

Haha, well I'm just saying I think it would be interesting to give people what they want so they will shut the fuck up and realize it doesn't make a lick of difference, or it will just be worse.