This makes me said... EZmix?

More widespread use of watermarking will help to dissuade uploaders. Ofc it doesn't fix the problem but it might minimise it.
dude, do you really think someone who buys the software via download and spreads it over the net, cares a shit about us law, when he comes from china, iran, timbuktu or whatever? :Smug:
From what i have heard, allot of people crack their legal versions of Cubase to get rid of stuttering(Due to the iLok.).
Correct me if I'm wrong - If a guy walks into a local music store and buys SSD with cash, or if some guy in singapore buys it online with fraudy info, cracks and uploads it, how the hell does that get traced back to him anyways? It can't, and what good would it do if you caught him anyways, the damage is done. Which is why the watermarking does jack for pirating. It's nothing more than a temporary setback. Once software hits the p2p sites it's all over. I doubt anyone who's cracking the software would be stupid enough to buy thier copy on slate's website with thier personal credit card. I don't condone any of this whatsoever, I bought my copy along with all of the samples. And Steven is doing the right thing and keeping the prices low so that your everyday Joe Shmo can afford it, unlike companies like waves, etc. That $20 special was a good move I guess, that's so cheap people can't justify owning an illegal copy when they can get a legit one for that cheap. I understand software needs to have some sort of protection, at least a serial or activation process, but companies like cubase that would rather have the performance affected in exchange for security (that does nothing to stop piracy) are retarded.
From what i have heard, allot of people crack their legal versions of Cubase to get rid of stuttering(Due to the iLok.).

I have never had a problem with the USB key and Cubase. And I ran a really slow computer in comparison with SX 3 on it. Even these days my machine isn't that fast and I don't have any troubles.

I would be interested to get the whole story like motherboard manufacturer and USB chipset other software running, other USB devices, etc. before believing any of that. Even with the iLok I don't have any problems at all.

Now, I do know some that would run a cracked version on say their laptop or home machines so they didn't have to carry the dongle around.

I mean even if you look at USB performance, it is stupid fast, no difference than having to load a sample or page out disk.

So assuming everything else is in check. Even if there was a performance increase, it would be very slight. Oh and more ammo, the "cracked" versions run a dongle simulator. So now instead of having hardware, you have a simulator running, as if that won't hinder performance as well.
I have never had a problem with the USB key and Cubase. And I ran a really slow computer in comparison with SX 3 on it. Even these days my machine isn't that fast and I don't have any troubles.

I would be interested to get the whole story like motherboard manufacturer and USB chipset other software running, other USB devices, etc. before believing any of that. Even with the iLok I don't have any problems at all.

Now, I do know some that would run a cracked version on say their laptop or home machines so they didn't have to carry the dongle around.

I mean even if you look at USB performance, it is stupid fast, no difference than having to load a sample or page out disk.

So assuming everything else is in check. Even if there was a performance increase, it would be very slight. Oh and more ammo, the "cracked" versions run a dongle simulator. So now instead of having hardware, you have a simulator running, as if that won't hinder performance as well.

It doesnt have to do with the speed of the computer, usb or the dongle it self.. its because some pieces of hardware simply are incompatible with each other.
I had to buy a new motherboard once, because it didnt work well with my GFX.
I don't see what the problem is.
You don't think it is useful for you don't use it.

And if it is going to make all the users of it sound the same then all the pro work you guys churn out will look even more pro in comparison.

If anything it will only make the elite even more elite.
Cool, but I don't have them. :lol:

I'm think it "talks" to the iLock constantly doesn't it?

It does not, actually. From my experience the plugin only needs to authenticate itself when it is loaded by either opening a project or loading an instance of it. They don't quit working if you gank the ilok though (unless they fixed that, have not tried it in a while).
Cool, but I don't have them. :lol:

I'm think it "talks" to the iLock constantly doesn't it?

I think so, I'll test it later.

It does not, actually. From my experience the plugin only needs to authenticate itself when it is loaded by either opening a project or loading an instance of it. They don't quit working if you gank the ilok though (unless they fixed that, have not tried it in a while).

Sorry I forgot about this. Yes, just tested and can confirm that Loz is correct. it only checks at when the DAW is booted and then when aninstance of a plugin is loaded, it doesn't keep checking. If you load a plugin and pull the iLok out it keeps working.
I don't see what the problem is.
You don't think it is useful for you don't use it.

And if it is going to make all the users of it sound the same then all the pro work you guys churn out will look even more pro in comparison.

If anything it will only make the elite even more elite.

I dunno man. Bands these days seem to be mistaking uniformity for perfection. Hence why so many bands are doing Snare 12A and Kick 10, EMG equipped guitars, POD Farm, Autotuned to death clean vocals, and basically just copying Sturgis as closely as possible.

This isn't a dig at Joey btw, it's a great sound, but bands are more interested in copying that than creating their own.