This one is for you Warrel!


Aug 30, 2001
We just got some new photos done and I remember her being your favorite... :kickass:

what's even more ridiculous is that most of the girls posing in metal shirts and such these days for magazines, well they don't even listen to the bands they are representing.
craiglist / casual encounters

Might find what you're looking for there. Be prepared for lots of cock pics lol.
This whole rock/metal girls thing seems a little bit ridiculous. Holy shit, a girl who listens to heavy music. Let's make a big novelty out of it.
No no -- it's "Holy shit, a HOT girl who listens to heavy music and is actually to be at the [insert band being promoted] show, and I know for sure she's going to be there with a bunch of her hot friends because they were certified hot by a panel of hottie experts and they're advertising it on KISW. Wow. Surely she'll go home with me or at least give me a lap dance!"

No, it's not grounded in reality. Yes, as Kevin says, "sex sells". Sorry.
Just stay away fromthe cannibal corpse dogs....

Stuck Here on Snakes Way
Omnium Gatherum (Artist)

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
what's even more ridiculous is that most of the girls posing in metal shirts and such these days for magazines, well they don't even listen to the bands they are representing.

Except, you have to wonder why they decided to pose in a metal shirt when there are so many other possible things to model. Like for example the rock girls I believe were recruited through the radio, and therefore are listeners. And yes, sex sells, but I'm not complaining.
it's called exposure. whatever exposure they can get..they'll get. but.. i guess i shouldn't complain.. hot chick, posing like that... i love it when my girl poses in her metal shirts (and she fuckin' loves metal too so i totally fuckin' win with her). you know what else is messed up? when people use the horns in inappropriate situations. "yeah! we're having spaghetti for dinner!!! (horns)"
i do that sometimes, but i think there is an inherent metalness to me that makes every activity i participate in FVCKING METAL \m/

I suppose you're right. hell, I'm guilty of doing it too. but i catch myself and notice when other people do. but what really bugs me is when people i know, don't even listen to metal (no... they want their hip hop and pop divas) and then they'll display the fuckin' horns... I'm pretty sure there's a term for that... anyone?
Right, but why exposure as a rock girl, I have a feeling she could've found another gig. And maybe it's just me but I fail to see the connection between those two things, but yes the horns are often improperly used.
it's called exposure. whatever exposure they can get..they'll get. but.. i guess i shouldn't complain.. hot chick, posing like that... i love it when my girl poses in her metal shirts (and she fuckin' loves metal too so i totally fuckin' win with her). you know what else is messed up? when people use the horns in inappropriate situations. "yeah! we're having spaghetti for dinner!!! (horns)"
I think you're taking the whole "metal" thing a little too seriously.