This place used to be a lot more active.

Yeah, I miss the days where Ryan always had something random to say with fifty emoticons. And I say that with all sincerity.

The forum is for *real* fans. Facebook is for fair weather fans. Or something like that.
Thanks guys! I took your advice, and I think my wife was good about it. I mean, I'm not allowed in the house and she carries a butcher knife around with her, but besides that, everything went good. She even gave me a gun salute as a left.
As in 'rather than'? Or just that you love knives?

Good to hear that, prometheus. Stay within wifi range and keep us posted.
I'm not all that into weapons but I'd feel a lot safer with someone to protect me in case of burglary.

(How COOL would a knives n guns chick be, I mean man, come on!)
* Image of long curly hair, lots of guns and knives and a red headband pops into mind *

Not my cup of tea...