this post will contain my observations. (warning, probably boring)


Aug 2, 2002
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- red bull is the most disgusting crap ever. i tried it last night and it's crap crap crap crap. plus the additives are poisonous.

- i made this sculpture with water, pins, wire and plastic and glass and it's actually OKAY. i may hate it tomorrow.

- AIDS walk is going to rule.

- pugs are so cute that when i see them, i find myself making up cute names for them in my mind like 'mr. pugsly mcpugserson' and stuff.

- louis sass has a funny demeanor.

- i'm not actually a grown up. like, i thought i was, but today when i went to the park to go running there were two kids at the edge of the pond and they were looking at a frog and i suddenly realized i was kneeling on the ground with them going 'they're so slimy! but it's okay because like they probably think we're all crusty! look at his eyes!' and i was talking to them about what it'd be like to live in a hole made out of mud. (you wouldnt have to wear socks, for one). i then realized that my dad isn't grown up either and neither are his parents. so it's all good. i never actually have to do it.

- if i had to be either ketchup or mustard, i'd want to be mustard.
SF holds an event called 'Pug Sunday' the last sunday of every month where all the pugs in the area congregate in a park and hang out. I've never been myself, but I've seen pictures.
cuuuuute cute cute cute cuuuute.

other observations:

- total bummer. i wanted to try to raise like $1,000 and no one helped and i only have like $250 for AIDS walk :|

- mint tea is pretty okay
i saw a pug today on the way to work and it made me shudder. one of my roommates has a friend with a pug who has left it at our house for multiple days a few times, and it pissed blood all over our floor. it was also an extraordinarily ugly pug, with one eye bulging so far it looked like it was about to pop out.

yesterday on my way home from work i saw this snail shell on the sidewalk, and crouched down and picked it up and realised it was a snail! there were several, quarter-sized shells, almost white, but with red colouring the swirl...i always think of snails as ocean creatures, so garden snails in the city are weird to me. i played with him for a while and accidentally chipped his shell (garden snails are a lot more fragile than sea snails, i guess).
last year at AIDS walk all the important workers got yellow shirts that said OBEY ME in huge letters across the chests. the gay men from AIDS Action thought they were fantastic and fought over who got one and got into screaming matches and to this day i see them walking around boston in OBEY ME shirts proudly.
this is only tangentally (sp) related to Pugs...this picture has me revisiting it again and again, because of the sheer absurdity of it.
snails are really cool. i used to have a fish tank and i had snails in there, and they'd have tons of babies and then there'd be snails all over the glass. it was really awesome.
i like pulling them off the rocks at the beach and throwing them into the sea, which is basically like a year's journey for them. i used to feel bad about it but then i realised they don't really have anywhere to go and are probably just as happy where i moved them to. and it's a change of scenery!
i'm glad i'm not a snail actually. come to think of it.


- it's really nice out today. i am inside and not near a window. :(
because he has a really, really consistent ideology, which i think is great. he just shows people how to apply his ideology to different situations despite prevailing social structures, which most people can't do on their own.