This scares me in so many ways.

imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
kay.. can someone answer why in his older pics, alexi had a mad treasure trail of hair growing on his naval and then in his newer ones hes bellay is clean and paste white. EXPLAIN! ALEXI DO JOO WAX!?!>?!> and if so DID JOO THINKS I WUDDENT NOTICES!!!!!
Yeah man where did you get all them pics dude... :D do you follow him around.... are you a paparazzi :D just kiddin :) but well..... its about alexi so i dont mind it :D nice song 2 :D
A lot of people really like Alexi, i guess this person wets themself everytime they see him, so a collection like this shouldnt freak people out, unless like...some queer made it and threw in the pics of him almost nude there to satisfy themselves at night...:hypno: