This should be fun. What was your first guitar?

Ive got you guys beat pretty handily here.

I learned how to play on my buddy's Ibanez RGwhateverthefuck...

But then I saved up some money and bought myself my own guitar.

An 1986-88 [cant figure it out] ESP Horizon Custom. Its the win
Fender Standard 3-Tone Sunburst for me. My dad is a musician and a big Fender fan, so he skipped Squier and went a got me a Fender for my 1st. Oh the joys of trying to play metal with single coil pickups :lol:
My first was a blood red Memphis guitar and it was the shittiest guitar ever built.:Puke: The neck was made of balsa and the fingerboard was stained to look like rosewood. Most of the frets didn't follow the radius of the fingerboard and stuck out a little at the edges. One of the frets came out completely, and I managed to break the wammy bar in two. My next guitar was a squire strat.

Dad's DuoSonic -> Some $25 plywood Body Kay neck monstrosity -> Series 10 w/locking nut

Then an Ibanez babyshit brown Pro Series.

Washburn SB-10, but in cream white.... not a bad guitar at all... just not very "80s metal" and being the 80s, my friends didn't let me forget it.

2nd guitar was this:
29 fret Washburn Spitfire. I bought it new in '88. That's not me in the pic & I sure as hell don't let clients play it anymore...
Mine was some red & white old Hagstrom strat looking thingy from the 60s. Got it for free, learned 3 scales, 2 songs and then sold it for like $100. I was also only 17 so I really had no idea if the thing was worth any real money or not but I used it long enough for me to order a new gibson explorer. Once I had that baby I just couldn't bring myself to pick up the Hag ... have no idea what model or whatever it was

My first was an Ibanez GSA-60, which I traded in for an Ibanez EDR470EX Ergodyne. I fuckin loved that guitar, then the trem went to shit and the neck prbably warped, so I stuck it in its case and let it rot. I'll revive it someday, I'm sure.
First was a 1992 Fender Squire Strat, can't remember where it was made, but compared to the squires of today it was actually pretty nice.

Nest up was this bad boy!

Aria Pro II XR, but mine was a very bright green.... We named it Kermit.

After those 2 I started getting into guitars worth more than $500... I think my third was my RG7620, which was over a grand at that time...
My first guitar was actually very nice, a neck-thru Peavey Destiny with a floyd on it from 1991. It was a hand-me-down from my dad who had subsequently gotten some ESP guitars and didn't play the Peavey anymore. This picture is of a similar guitar, though not identical:


I was very lucky to have this guitar and it served me well for years, until I mistakenly let a friend of mine turn it into an experiment in after market "customization." I still need to rescue it from his house, last time I saw it he had taken all the strings off and put a bizzare piece of scrap metal around the jack area.

The first guitars I actually bought myself, many years later, were an Ibanez RG7 (7 string) in vampire's kiss red, and a BC Rich Bronze Series Warlock (blech.)
First acoustic: Seagull of some kind, the top got split by Texas heat and I took advantage of the warranty to get my money back (not happy about losing that guitar) and get a Cube 30 practice amp.

First electric: Dean ML XT Noir from way back when... still have it, really nice (especially considering I paid $150 for it, got it from a friend who played guitar for the school's jazz band and taught me a lot of neat shit), it now has DiMarzios (parallel-wired Super Distortion in the neck, D-Activator Bridge in the bridge) and is strung up with GHS Heavyweights (used to be the ZW heavy set, 11-70) in AEBEAD.

Second electric, first 7-string: Schecter Blackjack C7.

Have yet to sell a guitar, that's not something I can see myself doing.

i 1st learned on my mom's yamaha classical...much like the one posted earlier in here

then i literally saved my lunch money for like a year and got a strat knock-off for $220...the brand was sebring(???), and it had a pretty sweet transparent black flame maple burst finish with gold hardware...too bad it played and sounded like crap

then i picked up an '85 ibanez artist special edition...that guitar was awesome, but weighed like 20 lbs, so i had to give it up. i traded both of those to a pawn shop for an ESP H-200 custom and jackson PS-4, both of which i still have today. i also kept playing my mom's yammie until she handed it over to me, and also have an epi acoustic.
I started out on acoustic, at first I borrowed some cheap classical from a friend of mine.
My first own guitar was a Laredo classical, pretty nice one. Second was an Eagle Dreadnought which I bought four months later.

About a year later I got into electric, first I borrowed an Onyx strat copy from another friend. (Yay for Onyx, haha!).
My first own electric then was an Epiphone G-310 SG I bought used from a guy I knew at school, and boy did that one go out of tune quick. The fact that I didn't know how to set the intonation also didn't help, haha.
Sold that one another four months later to get my Jackson DKMGT. Since then it has been Jacksons only for me, except for the occasional other brand guitar which I somehow always ended up selling again (yet I've never sold a Jackson).