What were your 2007 musical discoveries?

Bands who I really became a fan of thanks to Powerfest:
Shatter Messiah

Pagan's Mind (I fucking love these guys!)
Nightwish (yeah I was a late comer)
Septer (Local guys check 'em out)
Amon Amarth
Crescent Shield
Opeth (I had a cd for over a year and finally got to liking it)
Glad to see people getting into Suspyre. Truly an underrated band.

For me, I got into Saturnus and Thurisaz through Powerfest. Can't think of any others right now.
Indeed, it was a great place to discover some new music. :kickass:

Agreed. Although I kind of liked Benedictum, I REALLY REALLY got into them after seeing them. Shatter Messiah is another. And, although not last year, Eldritch is another band that I got into post Powerfest as well as Ion Vein (where did you guys go???)

On the opposite side, however, I actually LOST interest in Biomechanical after seeing them at Powerfest, but anyway...
Nothing is worse than seeing a band ruin your vision of them live. It has happened only a few times for me but there has been so bad experiences where it totally ruined the interest in the band for me.

Agreed. I don't know what it was with those guys, but it just felt sloppy or forced or something. My cousin and I were rocking out to their CD on the way to the show that night and when we left, we immediately took it out of the player and it hasn't gone back in since.
I thought their performance was flawless, but I was right in front so the sound may have been different else where. What really is ruining Biomechanical for me is the production on their new album. Where are the vocals?
Same here. I have to constantly discover new music so I don't get bored of the bands I have. I really miss the feeling of discovering a new band knowing instantly they'll make your top 10.