those who are advocates of Native American rights, please read ...


There's Only 1 thraxhead
Aug 11, 2002
Jacksonville, FL
This is to inform all of you, that today security is now
stationed at Queenston Rd. along with a Tree Ripper.
They will be clearing trees on and around the Ossuaries starting
Wednesday, January 7, 2004. This is being done despite the warning,
that is a sensitive area, being that there are Neutral Ossuaries in
the pathway of the Creekbed relocation. We are aksing for your
prayers, support, and physical attendance, as to help to put a stop
to the desicration of these sacred places. You may contact David
Heatley @ 905-573-8072, David Redwolf @ 416-913-3637 or 647-899-2946,
or Michelle Bedard @ 705-436-2737.

The press and the mayor have been informed of the laws under the
cemetaries act of 1992 & 1999 governing indigenous burial sites, and
Chris Murray has chosen to disavow the wishes of the Wendat people
and that is "no disturbance of the burials and no digging". They want
remote sensing technology to be used in the Red Hill Creek Area.
Chris Murray has chosen not to stop the work long enough for the
proper assessments to be done!

Dufferin Construction Company was hand delivered a letter from
the Wendake Longhouse on Monday at which time they said they would
give it to their head office. The workers at that time said that they
did not need to be working down there until all of this is settled
because they have lots of other work to do. Sounds like the City of
Hamilton is pushing them to do the destructive deeds that they are
doing with the valley. Please pass this along and try to get as many
people out there tomorrow. Oneh! Niawen skenon!

In peace,

David Redwolf


Queenston Rd.
Hamilton, Ontario



- Phone numbers for questions above. I only ask that you forward this email to as many as possible, regardless of where they live. You would be surprised how some emails can get into the hands of the right people if you just take a few minutes. The issues of digging up graves of Indians for "societal benefit" is an alarming one, considering the outrage that would surely fire us all up should we find ourselves defending the burial rights of OUR ancestors, simply because someone in the government decided it would be a grand idea to see what "artifacts" they could find. The larger injustice here is that these grave sites are protected by law, and the rush job being conducted by the city government only shows their disregard for "due process", whether it be Canada, The United States, or Zaire. Please send this to as many people as possible, as I will be working on this for most of the day to get the message out.

Thank you all,

Ian (a la thraxhead)