Thought on PoS Scarsick

Perhaps because we agree with the underlying sentiment?


Well I don't think anybody here is advocating treason or destruction of government buildings. The point is that in Mindcrime we recognize the extreme political views leading to murder of political and religious leaders was an extreme born in the mind of a misguided, brainwashed and agitated soul. Likewise, the views in Scarsick are ultimately those of a character who has been beaten down by life and the worst parts of human nature, and who likely wasn't quite rational to begin with.

And still, the "underlying sentiment" in Scarsick is a distaste for the ugly parts of popular culture. I think most of us here share the distaste, just as we agree with the "underlying sentiment" of the lyrics by Mr. Tate.

- Chris
You old stick-in-the-mud. ;-)

I dunno. I don't need to agree with Slayer, Venom or Marilyn Manson about religion when listening to their music, and I don't consider them to be a threat to my faith. I'm a fan of Pantera and Tool, but they both express pro-drug ideas that I disagree with. Whether I agree or disagree with Freak Kitchen's environmentalist stance in "The Wrong Year" doesn't make or break my enjoyment of the song.

Music is a form of art. Do you refuse to watch movies or read books that feature Satan?

- Chris

/me a VERY old stick in the mud :)

I'm not a fan of the music of the bands you mentioned there, although I have seen Slayer & Venom back in the 80's with Exodus. I think we're sort of comparing apples & oranges here. To me, there is a BIG difference between
lyrical content when your facing off pedo-necro lyrics with environmental lyrics. My point was that 3D mentioned hating a band based on lyrics, and I just wanted to offer a counterpoint to that. In no way does Scarsick even approach the level in the examples I originally mentioned.

Yes music/film are a form of art, and I've seen & enjoyed plenty of Satan movies, but on the flip side, and upside down cross in a jar of urine does not constitute art, especially when it's funded with my tax dollars.

I guess the ultimate solution would be for PoS to release and instrumental cd,
now THAT would rock, IMO...... :heh:

^ Amazing job neglecting to read my first comment so you can show off your copy/paste skills. Not impressed though, but I'll repost.

from what I can tell in your post, you're contradicting yourself - out of one side of the mouth you're saying that opinion is subjective, but then you come right back and say out of the other that opinions can be correct. An opinion can be correct - it's called a fact. Your logic has a hole in it, is my point.
This is a strange, strange thread. Just a couple quick points...

First, the lyrics on Scarsick aren't taking on a country or culture as a whole. If you read what they say, they're taking on the dark underbelly of a culture. They're critical of specifically the parts that are superficial, fake, destructive, etc. People here seem to have a bone to pick with Pain of Salvation for being critical of the parts of popular culture that most (if not all) of us are critical of ourselves. I mean, we're into progressive metal...we turn being anti-superficial into (literally) an art form.

Second, as the album is "the perfect element, part II - he" it's told from the perspective of a character in a story. While I'm sure the band doesn't disagree with the general themes in their lyrics, the fervor and extent of the sentiments is the character's, not the band's. You know, none of us spend a lot of time trying to crucify Geoff Tate for wanting to burn the White House down.

It's all moot anyway. Even if these bands did hold opinions as passionate as the characters in their stories, we shouldn't need to agree with an artist's views in order to enjoy their art. In the end, great art comes from whatever truly inspires an artist, whatever that may be. This is a band that sees a world with flaws and creates something to express what they feel about it. Whether their music syncs up with a listener is incidental and subjective. If it does for you, wonderful. If it doesn't, that's fine too. There's much more out there.

- Chris

That's a good way to put it, I agree. One thing I'd like to say is that although I am offended at what POS have to say on this record, it doesn't mean that I don't think he has a right to say what he thinks, or even that I would never listen to POS again (Although if they put out BE part II, I'm totally done....). As an artist, you can't express yourself without offending SOMEONE, so you do what you do for yourself, and let the chips fall where they may - which is what DG did. And props - he had to know he was going to take a beating on it in the US, so that takes some courage.

However, it does make SS a hard album to listen to for me, because the lyrics annoy me, and that's my perogative as the listener/consumer. It's like if you were watching or listening to a really offensive TV/Radio talking head that you didn't agree with politically. Other people can overlook that type of stuff in music, I can't. And it's fine, I don't have to buy something I can't get into. I'm the same way with bands like Slayer, Deicide, RATM, etc. I've got 1000+ CDs, so you know....there's other stuff to put in the player.

When I started this thread, it was really more of a "am I the only one" type of question than anything else. So it's cool to see that other people are thinking about it, and also probably cool for POS to see that people are thinking about their art.