Thoughts about CHARACTER

Oct 26, 2002
This CD will hold a spot on my Best Of 2005 list up until the end. This is the perfect follow-up to the classic DAMAGE DONE. Very agressive and chaotic, yet beautiful and futuristic. What they do best...

Thanks to Mikael Stanne & Co. for the great music!
I imagine that you are KPR from the Met msg boards, yes? (I'm the user, Greetings_Death, by the way).

I agree with you most definitely about what you said about the new album. It's one of those releases which is very hyped up prior to its release, but manages to live up to that hype instead of failing to reach it (which is often not the case with a whole slew of hyped-up CD's).

A big thank you to Mikael and Co. indeed. I'll be seeing them at concert on April 27th. :headbang:
congratulations, you just started the official "talk about character" thread. i edited the title to make it more obvious, and updated a link in the rules. for any specific character-related subject and observation (distribution, price, firmness to the touch, taste...) feel free to start a new thread. post here all generic thoughts about the record (it's awesome, i wrote an essay on it, my cat likes through smudged lenses...)
rahvin said:
congratulations, you just started the official "talk about character" thread.

nice thread :tickled:

ok I bought Character on monday and I must say I like it more than DD and this was a record I thought it wouldnt be able to beat it by anybody

But this one is really awesome, harder than I thought and the keyboards-wow!:headbang:
I never knew that on a melodic deathmetal record you could integrate electronics( it fits better in than keyboards) in such a way. it gives the music a darker modern touch without pushing it into cyber-death-metal spheres.
and the short drum`n`bass parts(like in the endless feed) hey it makes the sound more heavier when the guitars and drums crash in.
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
For the past couple of days I have done practically nothing else but listened to Character and I guess it is time to write down some of my thoughts about the album. I'll go through Character song-by-song and then try to conclude it all with a few lines. This is no review, this is an opinion and as such highly subjective - take it for what it is.

Dark Tranquillity - Character

The New Build: Excellent opener for the album with a great main-riff. Aggressive, brutal even, but still controlled, meaningful. The haunting electronic sounds are brilliantly used to enforce the already dark atmosphere of the song. A great start for a great album!

Through Smudged Lenses: The first song that "opened up" for me on the album, possibly because of its resemblance to White Noise / Black Silence. A certain live-favorite to come. The guitar-solo that starts at around 2:23 is wonderful! The sudden change to the outro works well, but having heard the same passage already on "Derivation TNB" it kind of feels out of place in here. Nevertheless a very good song.

Out of Nothing: I love the bass-work on this one! The keyboards are also very good and fit the complex structure of the song very well, bringing a much needed lighter mood to the otherwise so desperate song. Overall great!

The Endless Feed: It's very interesting to compare this song to the version that appeared on the Lost to Apathy EP. The electronics are at the forefront, but they don't drown the other instruments or the vocals, which is great. The way the sounds "move" within the song, fading in and out, rising from the background and suddenly disappearing is magnificent and they bring lots of images to my mind. By its structure this song is very far from typical DT, but still the band has succeeded in arranging it in such a way that it feels very natural on this album. Awesome!

Lost to Apathy: Having listened to this song some 50+ times during the past two months it has become rather boring when compared to the "new" masterpieces of the album. Still, it is probably the most straight-forward song of the album and well deserves its place among the more ambitious compositions.

Mind Matters: Possibly has the most "maidenish" guitar-melodies of all DT-songs. Despite that, Mind Matters is a very solid song with a good "positive" vibe to it. Being so guitar-driven the song stands out nicely among songs that have a stronger emphasis on keyboards / vocals / drums. A great solo at about 2:34 - 2:46.

One Thought: This far the song that has caught my interest the most. Excellent riffs all the way through; and the electronic break at the middle is very effective. Ever since hearing this song at Tuska the song-title has intrigued me and personally I find the lyrics of One Thought to be the best on an album that has only excellent lyrics. Overall a masterpiece!

Dry Run: This song has only now began to "open up" for me. It is certainly a very interesting song, although I can't quite describe it yet. Definitely needs to be listened more. The transition to the next song is great.

Am I 1?: Despite the crappiest song-title ever by DT, this is another solid song that is somewhat reminiscent of older titles like Ego Drama or The Enemy. The song is full of interesting sounds and melodies that oftentimes overlap each other so that if you concentrate on different instruments on different listenings it sounds completely different, almost like another song every time - brilliant! Also, despite the title, the lyrics are extremely thought-provoking and convey a whole lot of images in my mind.

Senses Tied: A very good fast-paced song that emits loads of emotion, especially through Mikael's excellent vocal delivery. The main-riff that gets played by both the guitar and keyboards is simply wonderful! Another song that has to be included in their live-set.

My Negation: I wouldn't quite call this the best DT song ever, but without a doubt it is a perfect album-closer. Melancholic yet up-lifting, harsh yet soothing - My Negation succeeds where At Loss for Words failed, IMHO. It feels good to just sit still for a few seconds after the final notes of the song have faded away.

Overall, Character has absolutely some of the best arrangements by the band; all the parts fit in so well and complement each other so seamlessly that I really feel they have overdone themselves with this album. The songs are complex and technical, but still have a huge amount of pure emotion to them, emotion that is transmitted to the listener in a multitude of ways. The lyrics and vocals must be the best ever created.

You have all heard me praising each and every one of their albums in the past, but this time I'm truly impressed - there are no weak songs on this album and there's plenty of differences between all the excellent songs. Eleven different characters, indeed. The album gets better with every listen.

It is really too early to say, but this could very well be the best album by the band - and thus, in my book, the best album ever made. I don't need any other albums this year, I'm sure.

Character is a great slab of melodic death metal, plain and simple.

While not breaking any new group (except for maybe The Endless Feed) Character still manages to best the group's previous efforts except for The Gallery. The obvious strength to these set of songs is the arrangements, the songs themselves are extremely focused, never meandering and always adding to the overall composition.

If their is a minor complaint, it would be some spots that sound very familiar to their other work(especially Damage Done), but what lacks for in complete originality and more than makes up for in extremely solid songwriting that manages to be catchy, technical and emotional all at once.

It will be interesting to see where go after with their next full-length.
rahvin said:
congratulations, you just started the official "talk about character" thread. i edited the title to make it more obvious, and updated a link in the rules. for any specific character-related subject and observation (distribution, price, firmness to the touch, taste...) feel free to start a new thread. post here all generic thoughts about the record (it's awesome, i wrote an essay on it, my cat likes through smudged lenses...)

Awesome!!! :headbang:
OK, I lost my aggressions now. Character is beautiful. I don't know if it's better than DD (my all time favorite album so far, so I agree with solefald), but time will tell. Got the Promo-Copy about 2 months ago (because of the Release-Party - Photos cam be found on my Homepage: Tha Band --> Release Party Character) and I was totally blown away. So far, my thoughts.
Best DT album since Mind's I imo. DT are back, and gonna show the world what they got on their upcoming tours. While In Flames and Soilwork are playing cock rock, DT is still sticking to their roots and playing real Gothenburg Death Metal. Good for them, keep it up boys. See ya on the road!
Schwedentod said:
OK, I lost my aggressions now. Character is beautiful. I don't know if it's better than DD (my all time favorite album so far, so I agree with solefald), but time will tell. Got the Promo-Copy about 2 months ago (because of the Release-Party - Photos cam be found on my Homepage: Tha Band --> Release Party Character) and I was totally blown away. So far, my thoughts.

HAHA your aggressions are gone, hey boy dont listen to evil aggresive music like melodic deathmetal :D

cool pics of your releaseparty by the way

hey wär gerne gekommen aber hab recht viel stress in der arbeit zur zeit und das camelot is dochn stückchen weit weg von pforzheim
aber war sicher toll(bzw vorm release character zu hören wäre schon geil gewesen, habs mir NICHT runtergeladen(bzw gar nicht gefunden lol))
@solefald: Dann kommst Du halt ein anderes Mal vorbei! *g* Waren sogar 3 Leute von Mainz da, immerhin knapp 90 km.
Ich hatte den Abend echt total viel Spaß und es waren viel mehr Leute da als ich je gedacht hätte. Werd wohl gelegentlich nochmal was in der Art veranstalten.

Wenn ich die Promo nicht bekommen hätte dann hätte ich's mir wohl auch nicht runtergeladen...
So far, Character is definately up there with my other two Dark Tranquillity favorites, The Gallery and Projector. And The Gallery is in my "top ten of all time" list, so that's saying something. Of course, Character can't make its way unto that list unless I'm still listening to it a year from now, without it having lost its appeal.
general thoughts:
- so far I think it's a really good album. I was not this impressed since The Mind's I. I only hope Character would stand the test of time, unlike Damage Done (that I find right now to be really boring.) Apart from the songs themselves, the high point here is Stanne. I'm glad he's more aggressive in his delivery, and I think he wrote better lyrics than those for DD.

- the artwork's a bit too futuristic for my tastes, but the inner pictures are awesome. Excellent the glossy digipack, even if, like every other digipack, it has already started to break.

- the videos. I really like the Lost To Apathy video, finally a professional clip! I like the scenes and the simple yet effective.... ehm, effects. but I would have preferred to have just that video with a bigger resolution and get ridden of the live videos. I don't care for them.

so, the album gets my thumbs up. I only wish I will still listen to it a year from now. while I'm not into melodeath like I was seven or eight years ago, I still love to hear it, and DT are simply the best (sorry for the Tina Turner quote :D .)
Really amazing. More than I expected, and I expected alot. After 2 listens I already feel it's quite likely that this will become one of my favourite albums. I feel so proud to be able to say I'm a fan of DT and I own this album. This is an experience few people in this world get to rejoice in. My favourite track is The Endless Feed. My second favourite is Dry Run. It has such an incredible intro. My Negation is an awesome closer aswell. I don't know if it beats Mine is the grandeur... of mellancholy burning, but it is defo a better closer than Ex Nihilo. Anyway, It's the best DT album to date. I cant wait for the Kreator tour to finish so you can cleanse the world with a headlining tour ;). Im going to set myself on fire outside Bradford Rio's if they dont make you an offer. I'm contacting the club owner and telling him.
I will try and make it to london also, but I'm not sure it can be done. I have no money.