thoughts on Mac G5 2008

Jan 9, 2008
Okay guys I would like your thoughts on the 2008 Mac Pro.

I tried one and thought they were a slow with the usual applications which come with them but I would like to know how they perform with Logic and Protools.
Where'd you get that? Not meaning to be a dick here, but I'd actually like to see some data on this subject.

its not like an official fact, but i know that most professionals in the audio/video industry are definitely using macs, and they are an "industry standard"

not saying that macs are the only way to go, but asking if a mac pro is good for audio production is like asking if a ferrari is a fast car, or if gravy goes is good on turkey.
Im gonna have to agree here. No one is saying macs are better but they are certainly more prominent among "pros". I usually only see PC's in studios running cubase, nuendo, sonar etc... with nearly ALL the plugins hacked and mostly like the DAW software itself hacked. In fact quite a bit of the population among internet recording forums consists of these type of people it seems.

If this fact is shocking to anyone i cant begin to understand why, its just the truth.
. In fact quite a bit of the population among internet recording forums consists of these type of people it seems.

one of the strongest arguments for pc users in the audio game is that they can`t have their free plugs on mac. If you are striving for any kind of professionalism you would own a registered version of the software.

i do understand there are free plugs, but we all know that alot of people are pirating as well.

i also understand you can pirate on a mac, but its not as common an issue
Well, I know from experience, most "pro" people (ie: money makers) do use Macs, because they falsely assume certain characteristics of Macs. That's another debate though. But it is true to say that most pro people are using Macs.
its not like an official fact, but i know that most professionals in the audio/video industry are definitely using macs, and they are an "industry standard"

not saying that macs are the only way to go, but asking if a mac pro is good for audio production is like asking if a ferrari is a fast car, or if gravy goes is good on turkey.

Heh, definitely true. I was just interested to see how many professional studios actually use PC's. I know a couple of PC/Cubase -based bigger studios in Finland, but that's pretty much it.
It does seem like more european studios are turning to alternatives to macs and pro tools, which is totally cool. I myself have done a few mixes where the band tracked at home on a pc and any one of numerous other DAW's.

Nevertheless i see pc's more in post and mastering houses as they swtich between software more often than a strictly music production studio would.

Now that we've gotten completely off topic, i do still quite enjoy the new mac pros and hope to own an 8 core sooner than later.
they run pro tools incredibly....
best machine since the mirror door g4, the g5s were a bit sketchy
Hmm, how bizarre looking - what are those 4 indentations on the bottom, and that eyeball thing at the top? :lol:
that screen is merely a kernel panic, not a big deal. caused normally by some kind of software conflict. easily remedied, and not a "mac killer". in fact you can often avoid them altogether by simply running Disk Utility to Repair Permissions on a regular basis. i rarely ever get a Kernel panic, but even when i have it's never turned out that there was any damage at all to the computer. if yours died it likely had issues elsewhere.... did you clean them? as in get the dust and dirt out occasionally? did you allow them proper ventilation space? etc. i've never managed to "fry" a mac, not even after years of industrial style usage. i know it happens, everything breaks eventually... but that's a bit odd