thoughts on Mac G5 2008

Apple needs to come out with a lower priced tower machine. Something with Core 2 Quads rather than Xeons, plenty of expansion room, etc. They could easily sell these at a $1400 or so price point and make a killing in the pro market. There's absolutely no reason they need to be using Xeons, it's pointless and just makes the machines cost more artificially. Intel Core 2 chips are EXACTLY the same as Xeons in terms of actual processing power.
That screen was the last thing that stayed in the memory buffer of the graphics card...

Those G4s were under regular maintenance, kept clean and in an air-conditioned room. On that very machine, IIRC, some capacitors died (basically exploded) causing harm to other parts (RAM was fucked, CPU ok - or the other way round, it's been quite a while). Well, that's something I've seen much more often on PCs, but shit happens. Sometimes twice...

I've never been lucky with those G4s. Had issues with monitors and keyboards, too.
Apple needs to come out with a lower priced tower machine. Something with Core 2 Quads rather than Xeons, plenty of expansion room, etc. They could easily sell these at a $1400 or so price point and make a killing in the pro market. There's absolutely no reason they need to be using Xeons, it's pointless and just makes the machines cost more artificially. Intel Core 2 chips are EXACTLY the same as Xeons in terms of actual processing power.

Basically like an iMac but a tower version or something?

I would totally go for one of those if they were made.
The Mid Tower Mac - makes a great deal of sense to most - but not Apple. Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield quad core is a killer processor, new architecture out 17th Nov Core i7 will move the game on again, but I doubt a quad core tower will figure in Apple's plans. iMac is laptop parts - not going there myself.

The Xeons, FB Dimms (slow) could be binned but Apple likes a streamlined approach - those parts are needed for the xserve and get into the mac pro line because.. well not certain why really.

With the alarming erosion of the Macbook - unless you want to rock the usb audio solutions - I'm hoping a similar scenario doesn't unfold on the mac pro - it's damn expensive enough as it is. In the UK to get a firewire laptop from Apple it's £1399 - Macbook Pro, the old macbook with the firewire is £720 - over here it went up £20 on the day the new macbook was introduced, and is fast disappearing. Crazy money - thats £1000 more than a new laptop my mate bought the other day his was £390, Core 2, 2GB ram etc etc - with a working firewire port for his Digi 003 and external firewire hard drive !!

Anyway best to 'em all
I myself will not be supporting Apple's hardware offerings for the forseeable future. I'm interested to see how Apple vs. Psystar stacks up, could be an interesting and precedent-setting case.

Mac OS X is by far the best OS out there; Apple needs to open it up to third party hardware without the kind of price fixing they pulled in the mid-to-late 90s with the (long defunct) Mac clones from Motorola and Power Computing.
Apple needs to come out with a lower priced tower machine. Something with Core 2 Quads rather than Xeons, plenty of expansion room, etc. They could easily sell these at a $1400 or so price point and make a killing in the pro market. There's absolutely no reason they need to be using Xeons, it's pointless and just makes the machines cost more artificially. Intel Core 2 chips are EXACTLY the same as Xeons in terms of actual processing power.

I think exactly the same. Apple frequently pass from "nothing" to "too much"...
Mac Pro is a wonderful machine but it's very very very expensive.
An "intermediate" tower between iMac and Macpro would be awesome..
I think exactly the same. Apple frequently pass from "nothing" to "too much"...
Mac Pro is a wonderful machine but it's very very very expensive.
An "intermediate" tower between iMac and Macpro would be awesome..

Sadly, I don't think it's going to happen as long as Steve Jobs is in charge. I very much hope they get somebody in charge who makes some big changes. Here's what I think they need to do:

  • Make the mid-range tower machines I just described
  • Put firewire 400 back on all machines for the next 5 years at least
  • Be open and transparent with customers and the world about what they are doing, especially when there are problems (they have a history of trying to pretend these don't exist.)
  • Continue to make "lifestyle devices" and "fashion electronics," since they sell, but expand the pro and mid-pro market and differentiate it further.
  • Open up the iPhone and iPod Touch even further - give users access to files and folders, allow applications to become more powerful.
  • Stop dumbing things down for n00bs, and attempting to fix things that aren't broken. Across all product lines, hardware and software.
Here's some facts about Steve Jobs:
  • He hates buttons
  • He hates PCI cards
  • He hates the idea that computers should look or feel any different than consumer electronics devices such as DVD players
  • He hates geeks like JBroll and I, because we remind him of Woz, since we like expandability and configurability.
Hopefully, he resigns soon. I think he's done some great things and he was the right person for Apple from 1998-2008, but he is going to kill them from now on.
I was a Mac guy up until 2000 because of the line of work I was in. I've used PCs for the last 8. Now I'm back in the market for a new comp. I was considering a new Mac and Logic 8 with a Duet. But the more I thought about it the more I think I'm going o stay with the PC.

The current Macs don't interest me. mini's lack needed features . Not interested in a Lap top. Don't want an Imac-all in one just means when it's time to upgrade I'll be buying a monior for the second time. Mac Pro is way to expensive.

I can buy a blazing PC for a fraction of a Mac Pro. In fact I could probably by a PC and my next 2 upgrades for the price of one Mac ram is way cheaper. The computer is only going to be for recording anyways.
I was thinking about pulling the trigger on one until I saw apples latest sales plot!!

Apple released the new mac pro the other month and they added a the new intel processor but decided to change the foundation model from 8 core to 4 and a price increase to go with it from about 1700 pounds to 1899!!!!!!!!
Anybody check out reports for Snow Leopard? 64 bit processing...XGRID with dual cores....

CS5 is gonna get encoded for 64 bit processing. I can only imagine ProTools and Logic at those rates. :D