Thoughts on MESHUGGAH

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Mythos Inibri

Undead User
Dec 16, 2005
I've heard bad reports of this band.I've only heard one song "Shed" it sounds good to me.Is all their stuff that good?Are they worth buying?
Destroy Erase Improve is the album where they really defined their sound and broke new ground, its also probably considered their best by the majority of fans since lots of people seem to have become disillusioned with them as they moved further away from conventional songwriting and started to experiment more with intensity, repetition and atmosphere. The song 'Shed' is taken from their newest record Catch 33 and is not really a good representation of the rest of the album which is far less accessible as a whole (it is really just one long song) than that track would suggest. I recommend checking out DEI and working from there, since C33 would probably be more rewarding if you are already familiar with their style.
:lol: @ the video where the band lip syncs and plays air guitar to "new millenium cianide christ" on their tour bus. best video ever.

Get the 20 minute brain melter "I" e.p.

Once you absorb that, you'll get the essence of Meshuggah.
If I see someone say this band is tech or prog again i'm going to have george bush send them to Iraq. I'm not kidding!
meshuggah is prog in that they're progressive in that they don't sound like any band before or since, which is the essence of progressiveness, which is the foundation of prog. they're definately not tech.
I liked contradiction collapse alot, and some of their other stuff, but it just doesn't work with me now.... Far to repetitive and chug riffs for me.
I feel absolutely nothing when listening to them. That's the worst thing music can do. If other people are taken away to a realm of geometric mindfuckery or whatever the hell their music is supposed to inspire, great. Those people are probably on some good drugs though.
I tend to get the same crushed and numb feeling I get from extreme doom or really crazy death metal, at their best the force Meshuggah hit with is unreal. Though it took me quite a while to really enjoy them and they're still not exactly my favourite band.
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What the fuck does that have to do with the topic of this thread?
i think meshuggah is pretty good
i liked the destroy erase improve record and shed is a good song

so meshuggah is a good band
I'm really digging Meshuggah lately . Catch 33 is great , although a bit repetitive at times ... but there's nothing better when you need to do some mindless headbanging :p They're fucking intense , for sure ... hard for me to play an album all the way through sometimes o_O But what I've heard by them I love .

Destroy Erase Improve = classic .
Meshuggah 'nothing' sounds like britney spears shit hitting toilet water after she was doing cocaine & drinking whiskey all night.

GROSS... I can't believe I said that.

evil miscreant said:
I've heard bad reports of this band.I've only heard one song "Shed" it sounds good to me.Is all their stuff that good?Are they worth buying?
Fuck yeah they are worth buying!
Life Sucks said:

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