Thoughts on MESHUGGAH

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I went and bought two more of their c.d.'s CATCH THIRTYTHR33 and I. the I c.d. is fucking great just as you said.Thanks for the info.21 minutes of kick-ass metal with an absolutely amazing guitar solo!!! Fuck Yeah
Im agreed on the love/hate thing.

I happen to really like them. That said though, the newer stuff is way below par.

Saw them in Nottingham two years ago, they are flawless musicians. And considering their frankly ludicrous timings, they played note-perfect.
I would just like to state once more that Meshuggah's primary draw - at least for me - is the soulless, machine-like atmosphere they create. They have this whole sci-fi dystopia thing going on. Though it's been getting old since Chaosphere.

I also respect the fact that they don't take their stuff too seriously. On a side note, Thordendal's Special Defect side project has a pretty nifty release too.
Sobek said:
I happen to really like them. That said though, the newer stuff is way below par.

on the CONTRARY MAYNG!!! I think they have finally figured out what they are doing. Catch 33 is fucking superb. Maybe not for metal fans, but for experimental and ambient fans, it's quite awesomely awesome. They finally shed the "WHOA COOL POLYRHYTHMS THIS IS BADASS" part of them which was the part i think most people liked about them, and now they are more focussed on creating an atmosphere and an extended "feeling"... it's no longer checking out the mechanics of their playing, but instead about what the mood and feel is, and i love them for that. Of course it will alienate some metal fans, since metal fans quite often look for the mechanics first and foremost, but i say fuck em. As an ambient fan, i think it's the best they've done.
"I" is incredible. Catch 33 is great as well. Nothing is not very good but Destroy Erase Improve is really strong. I haven't heard the rest.

No other band in metal probably polarizes more it seems, you either love some of their shit or use their cds to wipe your shit...(obviously I am the former)
Teh Grimarse said:
yeah... see... the difference between Holdsworth and Thordendahl is that Allan still has a theory foundation, he's using actual scales, ya know... Thordendahl's playing is really truly random, since from what I can tell his solos are written in geometric patterns on the neck rather than with the actual notes in mind.
well even if fredrik doesnt know what he is doing, it still relates to something, even if its the chromatic scale.
one thing is certain , he sounds a lot like allan, no doubt about that, soul niger
is allan playing metal ehehe
Meshuggah are incredible. I absolutly adore catch 33, and I like everything else too. They just keep getting better. They are definatly on to something. If you don't like them, well, that's too bad for you. Does anyone know where the line "What solace lies in the arms of fate" comes from? It sounds too cool to be meshuggah.
D-KOM said:
Agree! Their music is more for musicians than for the "normal" metal listener... I really wonder why they get that much attention in america whille they git just average reactions in europe

I have to disagree. While they may use off-timing and lots of shredding, they really aren't that different from a lot of metal bands. In the world of tech metal, I'd have to say they are amoung the least talented. Bands like Cynic and Atheist blew them out of the water over ten years ago.
They're just different. Love them or hate them, nothing comes close to them. :kickass:
Meshuggah HAD an original sound. They haven't progressed since they developed that "OMG GUYS ITS A COMPLEX RHYTHM PEOPLE WILL THINK WE'RE SO L33T" sound. And tbh, their vocalist is one of the most annoying pieces of shit I've heard in metal.
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