Thoughts on the M.E. forum.

So what do you like about the forum here? What do you dislike?
How can it be made better? How can it be made worse?
What would you like to see more of? Does Nathan post here too often?
These and countless other questions are here on this thread to disect this little Metal shindig known as the METAL EVILUTION forum.

So even though i may regret asking this please give us your thoughts?:erk:
That Mother Eel guy is really annoying and I heard that his penis is detachable.

I think that some topics to seperate the threads would be handy.
A few suggested topics: Gigs, Bands, Music Discussion, Dumb Shit by Nathan.
There needs to be more talk about krakens, the bastards took out my entire fleet
hmmm...U Dave asked about getting better on things in here..
But hmm..If i put it in this way..ppl who pollutes :puke: threads with shitstuff and things that is not has to do with the subject that is discussed should be banned from the forum if they cant behave! haha ..
Oh it can be fun for a while..reading stupid comments hahaa..but after a while it is getting really annoying and sometimes really irritating.. :erk:
No names mentioned..I think you Dave getting it anyway..hahaha :lol: :loco:
So Dave weres your whip!?! Go on spankingtime! You must be a more thougher dude! Hahaha
Get Ferret and Bremna topost more. Get Benji to post less. Kepp Nathan posting, makes things interesting. Detachable penis you say? :erk:
I don't know bout moderating stupid comments as long as it doesn't cross the line too much and openly offend people with intent.
At the moment all on here seem to be decently respective of that.
But i'm still watching you all.

Yeah i can agree by that as long nobody is offended but i saw somewere in the threads that stupid comments is not always so appreciated when its getting to much of it in every thread because it irritates some ppl...Just a thought though thats why i brought it up to discussion. Its you that takes the decision though. :)
I think that it's the internet, the only true place for freedom of speech. It's not hard to ignore things. All one has to do is mention the irritation, I'll move elsewhere, I don't mind. I've got many things to write, they don't have to all feature on this forum exclusively.
I pissed off a chick at work today because i was saying how i hate people coming to Australia and trying to change our way of life. She said we were "multicultural," which is fair enough, but then she called me a racist. How the fuck am i racist.

We were having a convo bout this issue, and I said something like "I bet if a muslim was asked to take her derka (im not racist, just dont kno what it's 'officially' called) off when entering a shop, she'd refuse." My point here was that they weren't conforming to our rules, and that's bullshit. This was also recently brought up by a Brisbane radio host, who claimed that Muslim women should take off their head scarves because it may hinder identification of that person if they were to steal something or be involved in illegal activity. This is why bicycle riders HAVE TO take off their helmets before entering a store, it's illegal if they don't.

Then later that night she came in with another staff member. We started talking about her nationality, and i said "you don't look half english/half asian to me, you look totally asian. Meh, its probably because asians usually have the dominant gene." Then she went off at me (the same girl as before), saying "I've had enough of you and being racist." WTF IS RACIST ABOUT THAT? Fuck me. Anyways, she is the supervisor at my work and din't give me my tea break. I told her and got a cold reply "you were supposed to remind me, if you dont, tough." Gawd... lol. Never discussing anything to do with race again at work.

Sorry guys, somehow, i thought this related to the previous post or two lol.
The Muslim comment isn't racist. It's a discrimination against that religion, not a race of people. Like Christianity/Judaism etc it has believers that are all races. The Asian thing doesn't appear racist, it's an observation; although it's a rather silly* and tactless thing to say. I'm lord of saying things that offend people, however, I'm not surprised when they take it to heart. It's what you can expect from it, thinking otherwise is naive.
That being said, I imagine that she did it because she's a supervisor and has to appear to be against any kind of discrimination and because discrimination is a subjective thing she's just taking a really hard edge to it.

*What was the point in saying what you said? It's not like you'd want people saying pointless observations about your appearance right?
*What was the point in saying what you said? It's not like you'd want people saying pointless observations about your appearance right?

Somehow we got onto the topic of how people immigrate here, and i said that i hate people coming here and trying to change us. What i mean by that is people that come here and bitch about our way of life. In hindsight, the muslim thing wasn't really the right thing to say. What i meant by it was that if a muslim woman refused to take off her head scarf, she would probably scream racism and discrimination, and i dont agree with that. Its just the way things are around here, and i dont like change. It's an opinion, one i will keep away from work, coz obviously it rubs people the wrong way.

EDIT - by "way things are around here" i mean that other groups (motorcycle riders) have to remove their helmets, so it should come as such a shock to them. I didnt mean that we expect muslim women should take the head scarves off. As i said i dont want them being uncomfortable but if theres a rule for one, i reckon it shud be a rule for all, atleast in this instance.