
^ You should! I'd say check out The Outer Limits, I hear a lot of that on TE. It's generally mellower but they never really did thrash after Dimension Hatröss except for Negatron and Phobos.
new Hatchet and Blood Tsunami albums coming out soon.



not too big on blood tsunami, but i'll defnitely be checking out Dawn of the End.
Vektor's second was a let down but I don't think i've listened to those other two. Black Future is pretty awesome though

I liked Vektor's Outer Isolation (not really their 2nd though right?) I wouldn't call it a let down, but I agree Black Future is better. Still, Echoless Chamber, Cosmic Cortex, and Tetrastructural Minds stand up to the quality of BF, in my opinion.

I'd definitely check out Havok, they have some gems. My personal favs are Prepare for Attack, Covering Fire, Scumbag in Disguise, and Time is Up.

Mantic Ritual, I love that song Panic.
I thought the first Hatchet album was pretty boring but the new single seems to show they've progressed quite a bit.

Yea, their first was nothing special. But so far all i'v heard, like you said, is they have stepped it up quite a bit. Havok and Fueled By Fire both released pretty meh debut albums, but followed them up with some killer ones, especially Plunging Into Darkness.

Vektor has released two of the best thrash albums of the last 10+ years. Only other albums i might put up there with those would be State of Insurgency, Terrorstorm, Being and Nothingness, The Storm Before the Calm, Worlds Torn Asunder and maybe even the new Fueled by Fire i mentioned.
The difference between the two Vektor albums is hardly drastic. I find myself enjoying Black Future a little more for some reason, but Outer Isolation definitely a more progressive and stylistically consistent album. Both are of course great.

Anyone like Immaculate? Atheist Crusade is pretty kick-ass power/thrash, buzzsaw Destruction-like riffage with crazy falsetto vocals and a good amount of 80's trad/power influence. Cross of Nero in particular is probably my favorite new-thrash song.
I'm sorry in advance if this derails the thread, I seem to be a threadkiller.. but do you cats find it hard to get into digital versions of thrash albums you own on vinyl? I can't listen to any classic thrash on cd or mp3 device, but I can listen to the vinyls front to back..