
There's only a couple of songs from the demos that didn't make it to their two main albums, and I'm pretty sure they're all the least interesting of their songs. Teleport's demo is worth a shot to tide you over; not sure when they plan on releasing an album but based on some newer audience recordings they've progressed further from their demos as well.

Also, I'm not sure if you know them, but DBC's Universe is some nifty progressive sci-fi thrash too.
I think one or two tracks from Demolition didn't make it on any of their albums, and from what i remember they were nothing special anyway.

i can't think of anything new, but Obliveon and Voivod come to mind when thinking of sci-fi and from what i remember you've already checked those bands out. Coroner and Destruction too but theres no sci-fi there.
There's only a couple of songs from the demos that didn't make it to their two main albums, and I'm pretty sure they're all the least interesting of their songs. Teleport's demo is worth a shot to tide you over; not sure when they plan on releasing an album but based on some newer audience recordings they've progressed further from their demos as well.

Thanks for reminding me of them, I had listened to a song or two off their demo on youtube because of the album cover, but not this one i think. The one you posted is exactly the kind of stuff i'm looking for, I hope they release an album soon.

Also, I'm not sure if you know them, but DBC's Universe is some nifty progressive sci-fi thrash too.

not bad, the vocals don't fit 100% but it's close. i like the instrumental parts
I think one or two tracks from Demolition didn't make it on any of their albums, and from what i remember they were nothing special anyway.

i can't think of anything new, but Obliveon and Voivod come to mind when thinking of sci-fi and from what i remember you've already checked those bands out.

Yeah I like Obliveon a lot, I play it right alongside the Vektor albums while working on my stuff.

I wish I liked the voice in Voivod, I hear them recommended all the time on here. But anytime I've click a link his voice just didn't fit the music for me.

Coroner and Destruction too but theres no sci-fi there.

I feel like I should like Coroner. There's a song or two I've found and added to my like list, but i can't put my finger on why they're not my style. Definitely some talent in that band though.

Destruction, they're pretty good from what i've heard, not my favorite.
My favorite bands right now are:


if that helps. Also I'm enjoying some stuff off this Chemical Breath album, too bad it's impossible to find anywhere but youtube.

I'm waiting for that new Violator album too, hope it's anything like the single they released off it.
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